I have a cluster 3 master and 3 slaves, freshly created. You can see the conf in config dir and the creation script is init_and_launch_cluster.sh
I launch a Java junit test which use Redisson. The test initialise redisson (with a scan interval set to 100 ms in order to produce the bug quicker), and insert key into the redis cluster in 15 thread.
I launch the kill-random-redis-master_local.sh script. This script kill a random master, wait 15s (nodetimeout is 10s), relaunch the killed master, wait 10s, and start over.
In generally 10 minutes, I have this exception :
14:42:11.742 [redisson-netty-1-6] WARN i.n.util.concurrent.DefaultPromise - An exception was thrown by org.redisson.command.CommandAsyncService$9.operationComplete() org.redisson.client.RedisNodeNotFoundException: Node: / for slot: 5587 hasn't been discovered yet at org.redisson.connection.MasterSlaveConnectionManager.getEntry(MasterSlaveConnectionManager.java:703) at org.redisson.connection.MasterSlaveConnectionManager.connectionWriteOp(MasterSlaveConnectionManager.java:693) at org.redisson.command.CommandAsyncService.async(CommandAsyncService.java:503)
I can't understand why there is this exception, but it is not catch anywhere. So the thread which handle this command is stuck in await of the countdownlatch (CountDownLatch:148)
After 15 RedisNodeNotFoundException, all my insert thread are stuck, i can't insert any more
I made a little project on github, to help people reproduce this : https://github.com/ylorenza/redis_bug_producer
Thanks for you're help
Install java8, maven, ruby
install redis gem (for redis_trib.rb) gem install redis
cd to the root of this project
Launch ./init_and_launch_cluster.sh
Launch the unit test : mvn test
Launch ./kill-random-redis-master_local.sh
Wait for the bug (No more cluster status update and no more insert)