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Follow me to create a web-tool by shiny


Please cite our latest paper when using our TFmapper


Jianming Zeng (PHD student in university of Macau) : [email protected]

Follow me

step1: create tables and database in MYSQL

First, make sure that the mysql client and server were installed successfully in your OS , and please remember the password for root user( the default user in mysql).

Then you can log in by mysql -u root -p

useful link ( once you forget the password ):

show databases; 
create database tfmapperdb;
show databases;
CREATE USER tfmapperuser IDENTIFIED BY 'tfmapper_@Abc';
  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tfmapperdb.* TO 'tfmapperuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'tfmapper_@Abc';

Now, you just need to use the tfmapperdb and tfmapperuser.

step2:upload data in to your database

gene tables

Firstly, we should download the information about genes in human and mouse from GENCODE

wget ## 38M
wget ## 25M

cat gencode.v29.annotation.gtf |perl -alne  '{next unless  $F[1] eq "HAVANA";next unless $F[2] eq "gene";/gene_id \"(.*?)\.\d+\"; gene_type \"(.*?)\"; gene_name \"(.*?)\"/;print "$3\t$2\t$1\t$F[0]\t$F[3]\t$F[4]"}' > gencode_v29_human_gene_info
cat gencode.vM20.annotation.gtf |perl -alne  '{next unless  $F[1] eq "HAVANA";next unless $F[2] eq "gene";/gene_id \"(.*?)\.\d+\"; gene_type \"(.*?)\"; gene_name \"(.*?)\"/;print "$3\t$2\t$1\t$F[0]\t$F[3]\t$F[4]"}' > gencode_vM20_mouse_gene_info

It doesn't matter if you can't understand the perl scripts above, just check two files

Then we can upload these files into our datbase by R codes below:

host <<- ""
port <<- 3306
user <<- "tfmapperuser"
password <<-  'tfmapper_@Abc'
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password)
sql="USE tfmapperdb;"
dbSendQuery(con, sql)
sql='show tables;'
dbGetQuery(con, sql)
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
# a simple example to upload one file into mysql .
a=read.table('files/gencode_v29_human_gene_info',sep = '\t')
colnames(a)=c('symbol'   ,  'type' ,   'ensembl'   , 'chr' ,'start', 'end' )
dbWriteTable(con, 'gencode_v29_human_gene_info', a, append=F,row.names=F)
sql='show tables;'
dbGetQuery(con, sql) 

By this way, we should upload all the information for our web-tool into mysql.


Upload the txt files (I download those files from cistrome) in to cistrome_metadata:


Pay attention that the columns for this table:

sampleID       GSM    bs1                 bs2      bs3       IP species    type

gather all the GSM IDs and search the details by using GEOmetadb then upload them into cistrome_GSM_metadata Pay attention that the columns for this table:

[1] "ID"                     "title"                  "gsm"                   
[4] "series_id"              "gpl"                    "status"           

Upload the txt files (I download those files from ENCODE) in to encode_metadata:

peaks tables (2X2X2X(23+21))

Lastly, upload all the peaks annotation files to mysql ( extremely time consuming and really big size ), about 300 tables. (by chromosome, database,type,species)

You should read my codes from begin to end: upload_into_mysql.R

Please send me email to me to request those files ( about 100 Gb), you should read my paper to study the details for how to generate the files

very important thing

We should create index for some tables in mysql to speed up the searching from user.

step3: create user interface

With the help of Xiaojie Sun, We create a beautiful ui framework, as below :

There are totally 4 pages in our tool, which are : home, statistics, more, help.

You can check the codes in UI

Please remember the IDs we create in UI page:

  • input values

    • species(human or mouse )/IP(TF or histone)/database(cistrome or ENCODE)/cellline( too many )
    • input_gene/genomic_feature
    • position, such as '18:28176327,28178670'
  • output values

    • DT::dataTableOutput('results')
    • plotOutput('results_stat')
    • DT::dataTableOutput('stat_table')
  • actionButton

  • do_gene

  • do_position/zoom_in/zoom_out

step4 : create server client

You can check the codes in server

part 1 : refresh two input button by updateSelectizeInput

check the codes in updateSelectizeInput

the gene choices depends on the species user choosed ( we should search all the genes from mysql)

the cellLine choices depends on the database and species and IP user choosed

part 2 : get the specific position for choosed gene

check the codes in positions.R

Get the position of choosed gene according to GENCODE database. ( gencode_v29_human_gene_info and gencode_vM20_mouse_gene_info in mysql)

first the choosed gene will change the positon. Then zoom_in and zoom_out will also change the position.

part 3 : search peaks by gene

Check the codes in search_by_gene.R

Once the user click the button for searching by gene, we should return the result table( the peaks information).

paste0(" select * from ",peaks_tab," where symbol=",shQuote(gene) ) 

part 4 : search peaks by position

Check the codes in search_by_position.R

The similar codes as above, this time we don't search peaks by gene, instead of position.

paste0("select * from ",peaks_tab," where start > ",start," and end < ",end)

part 5 : reture the peaks table.

Check the codes in output_main_result_table.R

this table is a little complicate.

part 6 : referesh links

Check the codes in output_links.R

There are two files : downloadData_csv and downloadData_bed and one link : uiOutput('washUlink')

part 7 : how to summary the peaks table.

Check the codes in output_stat.R

step 5 : deploy this tool on a linux (server)

we can download the free shiny-server from

Then install shiny-server and use it to host our tool.

Also we should install all the R packages which required by our tool.

Then visit our tool by the public IP.

step 6 : use it

See help page.

Papers citing TFmapper

So far, no paper cite our tool.

What a pity !


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  • R 81.7%
  • JavaScript 14.8%
  • Shell 3.5%