Reference files for running HipSTR with various organisms
HipSTR requires a BED file containing the STR regions to genotype. We've generated these files for various organisms and assemblies as listed in the table below:
To use a particular file with HipSTR, download it and decompress it using gzip. For instance, if you are interested in the BED file for humans for the hg19 assembly:
gunzip hg19.hipstr_reference.bed.gz
The file hg19.hipstr_reference.bed is then ready to use as input to HipSTR's --regions option.
For both mouse and human, we've provided detailed information about how we built each reference in this repository. If you're interested in learning more, please checkout the human or mouse subdirectories.
If you're interested in a file for a different model organism, send us an email at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help build one