Location of reference genome /cbio/dbs/references/GRCh38_reference_genome
It includes 314 high coverage (average 30X) samples sequenced on the Illumina X-Ten, also available as individual datasets under the H3Africa Chip study (EGAS00001002976) and 112 medium coverage (average 10X) samples from the rypanGen study (EGAS00001002602) sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 2500
- Data set description can be found on: https://ega-archive.org/datasets/EGAD00001005310/files
- GangSTR called STRs on each sample individually. HipSTR called STRs on joint samples from Baylor or TrypanoGEN.
| |--files_for_run
| |--results
| | |--H3A_Baylor
| | |--TrypanoGEN
| |--scripts
| |--H3A_Baylor
| |--TrypanoGEN
- CODIS U.S genotypes were download from NIST population dataset and regions of CODIS for hg38 was download from UCSC genomebrowser.