Various patches for yiffOS packages.
- linux/good_panic_message - Changes the kernel panic message to be better
- linux/config - Kernel compile config - Partly from Arch Linux
- linux/ - Kernel packaging script
- glibc/fhs-runtime - Patches GLibc for FHS runtime directory compilance - From Linux From Scratch
- pahole/buildcmd-prefix-and-static - Changes the install prefix to be /usr and statically links the executable.
- cpio/src-global.c-drop-duplicate-definition-of-program_na - Removes duplicate program_name - From Gentoo
- neofetch/include-yiffos - Adds yiffOS's logo and the bulge package manager
- bzip2/install-docs - Installs the pre-formatted documentation - From Linux From Scratch
- bzip2/add-destdir-support - Add DESTDIR support to the Makefile
- readline/fix-destdir - Fixes not being able to set the DESTDIR variable by removing an empty declaration
- expect/fix-destdir - Fixes not being able to set the DESTDIR variable by removing an empty declaration
- binutils/binutils-2.37-upstream_fix-1 - Fix file descriptors not closing if there is no archive plugin file descriptor - From Linux From Scratch
- perl/perl-upstream_fixes - Fixes error with GDBM 1.20+ - From Linux From Scratch
- kbd/backspace - Keeps backspace and delete consistent in keymaps - From Linux From Scratch
- systemd/systemd-upstream_fixes - Fixes a security vulnerability - From Linux From Scratch
- efivar/gcc_9-1 - Patch to fix issues with building when using GCC 9+ - From Linux From Scratch
- refind/gnu-efi - Patch refind to work with newer GNU-EFI versions - From Debian
- lynx/CVE-2021-38165 - Patch to fix CVE-2021-38165 - From Arch Linux FS#71764
- httpd/yiffOS-layout - Adds yiffOS file layout for httpd
- httpd/website - The default website for yiffOS's httpd