Project to integrate H2O Sparkling Water as a notebook in IBM Spectrum Conductor.
Download H2O Sparkling Water and place it in the package folder. In the scripts/ file update the version from 2.3.19 to the version you are using if it is different. Then run the script to build the package.
Then you can add this package (example: H2O_Sparklingwater-2.3.19.tgz) to your Conductor cluster through the "Add" button on "Workload" / "Spark" / "Notebook Management" page. Parameters you have to define:
- Name
- Version (typically the version of H2O Sparkling Water, example 2.3.19)
- Prestart command: ./scripts/
- Start command: ./scripts/
- Stop command: ./scripts/
- Job monitor command: ./scripts/
Additional environment variables: H2O_SPARK_CONF = --conf spark.ext.h2o.nthreads=1 --conf spark.driver.memory=8g
Then you can add it to an existing Spark Instance Group (you need to stop it then go to the configuration page) or create a new Spark Instance Group with it. In the Spark instance group configuration you need to set:
- JAVA_HOME to the location of Open JDK, example /usr