It sorts list of months or list of weekdays in a chronological order not in alphabetical order
The default python or pandas sort functions sort month names and weekdays in an alphabetical order. I checked a lot to find a function which sorts in chronological order but couldn't find one, so I created this simple package.
pip install sorted-months-weekdays
There are two main functions in this package Month_Sorted_Month Weekday_Sorted_Week
from sorted_months_weekdays import Month_Sorted_Month, Weekday_Sorted_Week
samplemonthnames1 = ['Apr','Jan','Dec','Mar','Oct']
samplemonthnames2 = ['December', 'January', 'June', 'March', 'September']
Result: ['Jan', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Oct', 'Dec']
Result: ['January', 'March', 'June', 'September', 'December']
testweeknames1 = ['Tue','Thu','Mon','Sun']
testweeknames2 = ['Saturday','Tuesday','Friday','Monday']
Result: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Thu', 'Sun']
Result: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
This function also handles lower and upper case and mixed case months and weekdays lists.