I'm a 4th-year Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Engineering student, passionate about exploring the realms of full-stack development and DevOps. I enjoy diving into new technologies and solving real-world challenges. Constantly learning and growing in the intersection of AI, data, and software engineering. Let's connect and innovate together!
Name | resources links |
AZURE (DP-900) | Resource link |
Projects | tools / languages | links | live links |
GeeksDirectory | hugo, typescript, scss, netlify | repo link | live link |
Domain | Skills/Tools | Projects |
Cloud (azure) | Azure , virtual machines , app based vms | repo link |
Helm with k8s | k8s, helm, minikube | repo link |
Projects | tools / languages | links | live links |
my portfolio | react, tailwind css, mdx, gatsby, netlify | repo link | live link |
modern blog app | nextjs, tailwind css, GraphQL, vercel | repo link | live link |
linktree clone | vite, mongoDB, svelte, netlify | repo link | live link |
uniswap clone | React, solidity, hardhat, cranq,vercel | repo link | livelink |
to-do app | React, css, vercel | repo link | live link |
chat-app | React, css, expressjs, heroku | repo link | live link |
video-chat app | React, Nodejs, css, heroku | repo link | live link |
movie catalouge app | React, Rapid api ( omdb api ), css | repo link | live link |
budget allocation app | React,css, netlify | repo link | live link |
nexus os website | React, css, netlify | repo link | live link |
Projects | tools / languages | links |
website template | html, css, Js, bootstrap | live link |
Shaids static website (clg community website) | html, tailwind css | live link |
GeeksDirectory | html, css, js | live link |
Webfusion | html, css,js | live link |
ecomm-django | django, vercel | live link |
nextradocs | Nextjs, hugo | repo link |
tic tac toe | html, css, js | live link |
rock,paper,scissor | html, css ,js | live link |
protfolio template | html, css ,js , bootstrap | live link |
name | Domain | tools / languages | links |
Nexus OS | Linux | shell scripting, C, Python, Docker, AWS | repo |
traffic management sys | automation | Python , open CV | repo |
tic tac toe | game development | java | repo |
pygame Pong | game development | pygame, python | repo |
pong unity | game development | unity, c# | repo |
space runner | game development | unity c# | repo |
share it | python programming | python, socket | repo |