RCTA Manipulation is a set of catkin packages compatible with the ROS Indigo distribution on Ubuntu 14.04 that provide planning capabilities for manipulation on RCTA robotic platforms.
Set up a catkin workspace as instructed in the ROS tutorials or
determine an existing catkin workspace to host the rcta_manipulation
Source dependencies are listed in rcta_manipulation/rcta.rosinstall
and may
be downloaded simultaneously via wstool. Alternatively,
you can manually clone all the packages listed in that file and place them
alongside the rcta_manipulation
package in your catkin workspace.
System dependencies may be installed using rosdep. At the root of the workspace, executing the following command will prompt to install all required system dependencies:
rosdep install --from-paths rcta_manipulation -i -y
The recommended way to build the packages in this repository is to use the
from the python-catkin-tools
package. A workspace containing these
packages may be built using the catkin build
There are multiple GNU screen configuration scripts in the roman_manipulation
package for running the system under a few configurations. The system can be
run under any configuration using rosrun. For example,
rosrun roman_manipulation screenrc_fake
will run the complete system with an offline (fake) simulation of the RoMan robot.
Executing a configuration script will start a screen session with tabs preloaded with the required commands. Launch the system by executing the command within each tab. Note that the default screen accelerator key C-a is modified to C-x. Ctrl + the arrow keys can be used to cycle through tabs.
Make sure that the time on robot's computer and time in the docker container/your
computer are the same. The server is currently set in the /etc/hosts
file to the
IP of the robot.
sudo ntpdate -u tl1-1-am1
To align the time zones in docker to the same as that on the robot, add this environment variable to the docker startup file.
--env="TZ=America/New_York" \
SSH into the robot computer
ssh rcta@tl1-1-am1
Run the export ROS_IP
command on each of the docker tabs(set it to your
computer's IP address). This is to inform the robot of the IP of the host computer.
Set the ROS_MASTER_URI if running the planner on the robot.
--env="ROS_MASTER_URI=http://tl1-1-am1:11311" \
If there is a need to manually move the robot's joints around, using the scripts
from $RS_LIMB_ROOT/sbin
Running visualization in RViz -
Run this export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/nvidia/lib:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to make sure RViz is running with the right libraries. The rviz file with the correct configs set
is rcta-roman1.rviz
. Run it with the namespace __ns:=roman1
Running batch tests on the robot -
While running the Realsense, launch the rs_rgbd.launch
file with the it with the argument
Moving the fingers
rostopic pub -1 /roman1/rcta_right_robotiq_controller/command std_msgs/Float64MultiArray 'layout:
- label: joint
size: 4
stride: 1
data_offset: 0
data: [6.0, 6.0,6.0,137.0]'
Moving the dynamixel that supports the camera -
rcta@tl1-1-am1:~/rcta/install$ more share/rcta_dynamixel_publisher/config/roman1
To run PERCH
rostopic pub /requested_object std_msgs/String "data: 'test'"