Initially built for personal use, I created this template for starting a new project with Vite.js and Vanilla Javascript. It is already set up with standard development tools like Prettier for easy code formatting and linting, with Vite for a robust, modern build process.
Use the following scripts for your development workflow:
# Start the development server
npm run dev
# Checks your code for any linting errors
npm run lint
# Tries to automatically fix any linting errors present in your code
npm run lint:fix
# Formats your code in a consistent, predefined style using Prettier
npm run format
# Build for production
npm run build
# Preview the build
npm run preview
# Build and preview the project
npm run buildpreview
This is the structure of the project:
├── .github # Github actions and workflows
├── node_modules # Node.js dependencies for the project.
├── src # Source code
│ ├── fonts # Store your fonts here
│ ├── images # Store your images here
│ ├── js # Javascript files of your project
│ ├── sprites # SVG files for generate sprites
│ ├── scss # CSS styles for your project
├── .editorconfig # Configuration for the EditorConfig plugin
├── .gitignore # Files and folders to be ignored by Git
├── .prettierignore # Files to be ignored by Prettier
├── .prettierrc # Configuration for Prettier
├── index.html # The HTML file for your project
├── LICENSE # The license for your project
├── package-lock.json # Lockfile for your project's dependencies
├── package.json # Defines your project and its dependencies
├── # This file
├── vite.config.js # Configuration for Vite
├── vite.config.min.js # Configuration for minified JS & CSS Vite files
<svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17">
<use xlink:href="./assets/sprites/states.svg#sprite-linkedin-logo"></use>
This template was created under the MIT License.
Happy coding! 👨💻