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yaws-logger: An extended logger for Yaws

yaws-logger is an Erlang/OTP application that extends logging fonctionnalty of Yaws. Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written to the console, to a file, or through syloggerl or lager applications.

yaws-logger is distributed under the terms of the 2-clause BSD license; see COPYING.

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Table of contents



If you use rebar, you can run the following command to build the application:

rebar compile

The testsuite is implemented using the Common Test framework. To run it with rebar:

rebar ct


If you use the Autotools and make(1), run the following commands to build the application:

# Generate Autotools files.
autoreconf -vif

# Build the application.

# Run the testsuite
make check USE_COVER=yes

# Install it.
sudo make install

The default installation path is your Erlang's distribution libraries directory (see code:lib_dir()).

How it works!



You can configure yaws-logger application by setting parametters in the application environment:

  • {default_accesslog_format, default | common | combined | string()}

Defines the default format used for access logs. All handlers will inherite this format but they can overwrite it when necessary. Default value: default.
See Predefined log formats and Custom log formats for details about supported formats.

  • {revproxy_whitelist, [string()]}

Defines the list of whitelisted IP addresses (or address blocks) that will be considered as trusted reverse proxies. It will be used to retrieve the real client IP address by extracting it from the X-Forwarded-For header. Default value: [].

  • {handlers, [handler()]}

Defines access/auth log handlers. Each handler is represented by a unique identifier. See Handlers definition for details about the handlers. Default value: [].

Handlers definition

handler()     :: {Id, Opts}
  Id          :: atom()
  Opts        :: [{backend, backend()}, {type, logger_type()}, {vhost, Regex} | BackendOpts]
  Regex       :: iolist()
  BackendOpts :: [BackendOpt]
  BackendOpt  :: console_option() | file_option() | sysloggerl_option() | lager_option()

backend()     :: yaws_logger_console | yaws_logger_file | yaws_logger_sysloggerl | yaws_logger_lager
logger_type() :: any | auth | access

common_option()  :: {accesslog_format, default | common | combined | string()}

console_option() :: common_option()

file_option()    :: common_option()
                  | {file,   file:filename()}
                  | {size,   pos_integer() | infinity}
                  | {rotate, non_neg_integer()}
                  | {sync,   boolean()}

sysloggerl_option() :: common_option()
                     | {syslog_ident,    string()}
                     | {syslog_facility, syslog:facility()}
                     | {syslog_loglevel, syslog:loglevel()}

lager_option() :: common_option()
                | {lager_loglevel, lager:log_leve()}

Predefined log formats

yaws-logger defines 3 log formats that can be referenced in the handlers configuration by a keyword instead of a format string:

"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
  • combined: The extended/combined log format. Same as common but with the Referer and the User-agent in addition.
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
  • default: Same as combined but with the time taken to serve the request (in microseconds) and the name of the server in addition.
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %D %v"

Custom log formats

Any literal or C-style control character is copied into the log messages. Literal quotes and backslashes should be escaped with backslashes.

Format String Description
%% The percent sign.
%a The remote IP address or if undefined.
%{real}a The real client IP address or if undefined.
%B The size of the response's body.
%b The size of the response's body in CLF format, i.e. a '-' rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent.
%{Foobar}C The contents of cookie Foobar in the request sent to the server.
%D The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
%H The request protocol, .e.g. HTTP/1.1.
%h The remote host or unknown if undefined.
%{real}h The real client host or unknown if undefined.
%{Foobar}i The contents of Foobar: header line in the request sent to the server.
%l The remote logname. This will always return a always '-'.
%m The request method.
%{Foobar}o The contents of Foobar: header line in the reply.
%P The erlang process ID that serviced the request.
%q The query string (prepended with a '?' if a query string exists, otherwise an empty string)
%r The First line of request.
%s The Response status code.
%T The time taken to serve the request, in seconds.
%t The time the request was received.
%U The URL path requested without the query string.
%u The remote user
%v The name of the server serving the request.

You can restrict the printing of particular items depending of the HTTP status code of responses by placing a comma-separated list of status codes immediately following the '%'. For all codes not matching one in the list, a '-' is printed instead of the item. The status code list may be preceded by a '!' to indicate negation.

For example:

# Logs the User-agent on 400 and 501 errors only. For other status codes, the literal string "-" will be logged

# Logs the Referer on all requests that do not return one of the three specified codes, "-" otherwise.




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