I'm a (hireable btw) versatile developer with experience in multiple programming languages and various areas of software development.
- Languages: Python (main), Rust, C/C++;
- DevOps: Linux, Docker, CI/CD, Bash;
- Frameworks/Libraries: Flask, Django, FastAPI, aiohttp, SQLAlchemy;
- Bots: telegram-bot-api, aiogram;
- Other: Selenium, BeautifulSoup4, requests;
- minesweeper_tui: A classic minesweeper game with terminal graphics
- pomodoro_bot: A Telegram bot for team productivity
- TokenValidityCheck: A module to check Telegram API token validity
- pngix_scraper: A script for scraping pngix.com
- typing_trainer: A terminal-based typing trainer
- gaussian_blur: Python implementation of Gaussian blur from scratch
- (WIP/private) rustodo: A Rust-based to-do app with a command line interface
- PWGen-GUI: A Rust-based password generator with a GUI
- roziewebspace: My personal homepage built on Flask and pure HTML/CSS/JS