A current Logitech Media Server for ARM7 based Synology DiskStations.
Up to DSM6 I used a Debian chroot environment packaged as SPK to run the stock Linux debian LogitechMediaServer. With DSM7 this is no longer an option since SPK cannot use root anymore, so I went for a more compliant option with a supporting Perl package and LogitechMediaServer.
- Linux x86 machine for compilation
- Synology Cross Development
- An ARM7 based DiskStation running DSM7
Unpack and organize repos like so:
├── pkgscripts-ng/
└── source/
└── LogitechMediaServer
You need to prepare the cross development environment:
cd somewhere/pkgscripts-ng/
git checkout -b DSM7.0 origin/DSM7.0
sudo ./EnvDeploy -v 7.0 -p armada375
Download sources:
cd somewhere/source/LogitechMediaServer
cd somewhere/pkgscripts-ng/
sudo ./PkgCreate.py -p armada375 LogitechMediaServer