##University of Bristol v 1.0 (c) 2014
This work package is a learning platform for students at the University of Bristol, Department of Computer Science, as part of studying for course COMS21103 "Data Structures and Algorithms".
The aim of this learning platform is to enable students to implement the algorithms discussed in the lectures without spending lots of time developing input/output, data structure and validation methods. The platform also enables the students to try these algorithms on different inputs, following the code progress through algorithmic iterations.
The code stubs cover the material taught within the topics:
- Stable Matching
- String Matching
- Max-Flow
- Linear Programming (the Simplex method)
The code has been written by Alan Torres, University of Bristol; Material and teaching is delivered by Dr. Dima Damen, University of Bristol.
This work has been partially derived from http://jean-pierre.moreau.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cplus/simplex_cpp.txt by By J-P Moreau, Paris and https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/master/modules/imgproc/src/gcgraph.hpp, part of the OpenCV Computer Vision Library.
##How to...
###Clone the repository
- From the command line
git clone https://github.com/xocoatzin/algorithms.git
-or- - If you have "Github for Windows" just click the button at the right -or-
- Download the code as ZIP with the button at the right.
###Create a branch to work with
From the command line git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
###Get updates
From the command line: git pull
. Remember to commit your changes before pulling an update!
###Compile the code
####Visual Studio (2013):
- Open the project in 'build/VisualStudio/Algorithms/Algorithms.sln'
- Press [F5] to run.
You can get a free copy of VS2013 on http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs#DownloadFamilies_2
- From the command line (you'll need a c++11 compatible compiler, GCC 4.7 recommended):
cd build/makefiles/stable-matching/
./stable-matching ../../../input/stable-matching/input.txt
##About working with Git
You can access the documentation here: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-Git-Basics