A simple web page that can create, store or edit your own restaurants list , and can see a restaurant's detail or search specific ones.
- searching restaurants by name or category
- showing individual restaurant's detail
- user can add a restaurant(With a fake default img URL)
- user can edit restaurant's information
- user can delete restaurant
- user can login, logout and register
- user can login and register through facebook
- Node.js v14.18.1
1.clone to local
git clone https://github.com/xnubber/restaurant-list.git
2.cd to directory
cd restaurant-list
3.npm install
npm install
4.create .env file
touch .env
5.refer to .env.example to fill out .env file
add seeds data
npm run seed
server on
npm run start
when the Express is listening on localhost:3000 show up on the terminal, means you can type localhost:3000 as URL on web browser to see the web.
seed user data below:
email: [email protected]
password: 12345678
email: [email protected]
password: 12345678
- Node.js v14.18.1
- Express v4.17.1
- Express-handlebars v5.3.4
- Method-override v3.0.0
- Mongoose v6.0.12
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- Font-awesome 5.8.1
- MongoDB
- bcryptjs v2.4.3
- connect-flash 0.1.1
- dotenv 10.0.0
- express-session 1.17.2
- passport 0.5.2
- passport-facebook 3.0.0
- passport-local 1.0.0