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This repository illustrates the tool, data, and scripts of our ICSE2025 under-reviewing work —— The Design Smells Breaking the Boundary between Android Variants and AOSP.

We opened all of the collected data of the investigated open-source subjects. Due to the file size limit of GitHub, we upload the processed data to this repository. Please connect us for the large-scale raw data if required.

We have provided a video DroidDS-sample-demo to demonstrate of our tool DroidDS running on a sample project.

Directory Structure

The whole directory tree goes like the following:

│  ├─Methodology
│  │  └─DroidDS-sample
│  │      ├─input
│  │      └─output
│  ├─Results
│  │  ├─RQ1
│  │  │  └─mc
│  │  │      ├─AOSPA
│  │  │      │  ├─quartz
│  │  │      │  ├─ruby
│  │  │      │  ├─sapphire
│  │  │      │  └─topaz
│  │  │      ├─CalyxOS
│  │  │      │  ├─android13
│  │  │      │  ├─android12
│  │  │      │  └─android11
│  │  │      ├─LineageOS
│  │  │      │  ├─lineage-20.0
│  │  │      │  ├─lineage-19.1
│  │  │      │  ├─lineage-18.1
│  │  │      │  ├─lineage-17.1
│  │  │      │  ├─lineage-18.1
│  │  │      │  └─lineage-16.0
│  │  │      ├─OmniROM
│  │  │      │  ├─android-13.0
│  │  │      │  ├─android-12.0
│  │  │      │  ├─android-11
│  │  │      │  ├─android-10
│  │  │      │  └─android-9
│  │  │      └─IndustrialX
│  │  │         ├─I-E
│  │  │         ├─I-D
│  │  │         ├─I-C
│  │  │         ├─I-B
│  │  │         └─I-A
│  │  ├─RQ2
│  │  │  ├─ConfF&ConfB
│  │  │  ├─ConfF&ConfB_cap
│  │  │  └─recur_block_cap
│  │  │      └─text-50%
│  │  │          ├─diff-commit
│  │  │          ├─diff-commit-times
│  │  │          ├─diff-project
│  │  │          ├─diff-project-times
│  │  │          ├─diff-version
│  │  │          └─diff-version-times
│  │  └─RQ3
│  │      └─mitigable
│  │          ├─AOSPA
│  │          │  ├─quartz
│  │          │  ├─ruby
│  │          │  ├─sapphire
│  │          │  └─topaz
│  │          ├─CalyxOS
│  │          │  ├─android13
│  │          │  ├─android12
│  │          │  └─android11
│  │          ├─LineageOS
│  │          │  ├─lineage-20.0
│  │          │  ├─lineage-19.1
│  │          │  ├─lineage-18.1
│  │          │  ├─lineage-17.1
│  │          │  └─lineage-16.0
│  │          └─OmniROM
│  │          │  ├─android-13.0
│  │          │  ├─android-13.0
│  │          │  ├─android-12.0
│  │          │  ├─android-11
│  │          │  ├─android-10
│  │          │  └─android-9
│  │          └─IndustrialX
│  │             ├─I-E
│  │             ├─I-D
│  │             ├─I-C
│  │             ├─I-B
│  │             └─I-A
│  └─Setup
│      ├─Conflict_collection
│      │  ├─AOSPA
│      │  ├─CalyxOS
│      │  ├─LineageOS
│      │  └─OmniROM
│      └─Subject_collection
│          ├─AOSPA
│          ├─CalyxOS
│          ├─LineageOS
│          └─OmniROM
    │  ├─RQ1
    │  ├─RQ2
    │  └─RQ3



Due to the size limit of the Github repository, our DoridDS tool is uploaded to Dropbox at DroidDS.


  • Operating System : Linux
  • Python 3.8 or higher.
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) version 21 or higher.


To use DroidDS, run the script from the command line, specifying the necessary arguments. Here is a breakdown of the available arguments:

usage: DroidDS [-h] [--memory ENRE_MAX_MEMORY] [--repo_extensive REPO_EXTENSIVE] [--repo_extensive_name REPO_EXTENSIVE_NAME] [--hidden_extensive HIDDEN_EXTENSIVE] [--repo_aosp REPO_AOSP] [--repo_aosp_name REPO_AOSP_NAME] [--hidden_aosp HIDDEN_AOSP] [--commit_extensive COMMIT_EXTENSIVE] [--commit_aosp COMMIT_AOSP] [--output OUTPUT]

`--memory`, `-mem`: Specify the maximum memory usage of the Java Virtual Machine(JVM). Default is `16G`.
`--repo_extensive`, `-rpe`: Specify the Git repository path for the extensive AOSP.
`--repo_extensive_name`, `-rpen`: Specify the project name for the extensive AOSP repository.
`--hidden_extensive`, `-hde`: Specify the path to the CSV file containing extensive AOSP non-SDK level flags.
`--repo_aosp`, `-rpa`: Specify the Git repository path for the AOSP project.
`--repo_aosp_name`, `-rpan`: Specify the project name for the AOSP repository.
`--hidden_aosp`, `-hda`: Specify the path to the CSV file containing AOSP non-SDK level flags.
`--commit_extensive`, `-ce`: Specify the commit hash for the extensive AOSP project.
`--commit_aosp`, `-ca`: Specify the commit hash for the AOSP project.
`--output`, `-o`: Specify the root directory for output files.

eaxmple usage:
./DroidDS \\
  -rpe /data1/DroidDS/AndroidSourceCodeGit/L-18.1 \\
  -rpen L-18.1 \\
  -hde /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/input/hiddenapi-flags-L-18.1.csv \\
  -ce 7f7fc2562a95be630dbe609e8fb70383dcfada4f \\
  -rpa /data1/DroidDS/AndroidSourceCodeGit/aosp_android11 \\
  -rpan aosp_android11 \\
  -hda /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/input/hiddenapi-flags-android11.csv \\
  -ca 49d8b986dddd441df741698541788c5f3a9c465f \\
  -o /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/output

Additional Notes

  • Due to the large scale of the Android project to be analyzed, usually including about millions of lines of code and hundreds of thousands of commit records. We suggest that the hardware configuration of the runtime environment should have a minimum of 32GB of memory, and the JVM should be set to at least 16GB to prevent heap overflow.
  • When using the command-line arguments rpe and rpen (same as rpa and rpan)with the provided tool, it's important to ensure that the value for rpen(-rpan) (representing the name of the project) directly corresponds to the last segment of the path provided to rpe(-rpa)(representing the repository path).


Setup (Section III.C Conflict Collection)

Collecting Merge Conflicts

You can refer to 2023-Dependency facade: The coupling and conflicts between android framework and its customization for the process of collecting merge conflicts.

Collecting Recurring Merge Conflicts

The following are the main steps for collecting recurring merge conflicts:

Step 1: This script automatically reverts the target repository to the parent commit state involved in the conflict and extracts the conflict text information.

  • Input: A CSV file that records the details of the conflicting blocks.
  • Output: JSON file containing text information corresponding to each conflicting block.

Step 2: Execute the or to detect duplicate conflict blocks across commits (or across versions, projects).

  • Input: The JSON file produced in Step 1.
  • Output: CSV file containing details of duplicate conflict blocks.

Step 3: Execute to get the number of collisions for each conflicting block.

  • Input: The CSV file generated in Step 2.
  • Output: CSV file containing the number of repeated collisions.


The is to compute value for files infected by design smells and that for non-infected files and is to do Wilcoxon test based on each group of (avg_mc_aff, avg_mc_nonaff ).

The script takes the outputs of DroidDS-sample output as an eaxmple usage
  • Input:
    1. all_aff_files.csv , it is one of the output results from DroidDS and the column names are project , aff_files, aff_files_count. The script takes DroidDS-sample's output as an eaxmple usage, i.e., all_aff_files.csv.
    2. file-mc_ext.csv, it is one of the output results from DroidDS and the column names are filename, #author, #cmt,changeloc,#issue,#issue-cmt,issueLoc. The script takes DroidDS-sample's output as an eaxmple usage, i.e., file-mc_ext.csv.
  • Output:
    • metrics.csv: the column names are project,avg_mc_aff,avg_mc_nonaff,which indicating the average maintenance cost (i.e., avg_mc_aff ) of the files involved in design smells and the average values (i.e., avg_mc_nonaff ) of other files in terms of each measure.
    • Wilcoxon-output.csv : the column names are project , P-value, increase,which indicating the results of Wilcoxon Sign-Rank tests based on each group of (avg_mc_aff, avg_mc_nonaff ).


  • Step 1 : Run to retrieve commit history.
    • Input: Path to the project's base repository and all branch versions of the repository.
    • Output: A text file that stores all the commit history.
  • Step 2 : Run to acquire all merge points.
    • Input: The branches of Android variants and AOSP.
    • Output: The merge points of Android variants and AOSP.
  • Step 3 : Run to get the details of conflict blocks.
    • Input: Path to the base repository of Android variants and AOSP.
    • Output: A CSV file stores information about conflict blocks.
  • Step 4 : Run to obtain detailed information on conflict blocks.
    • Input: A file called project-version-merge.csv generated from Step 3.
    • Output: A CSV file stores detailed information on conflict blocks.
  • Step 5 : Run to obtain conflict information involving design smells.
    • Input: The CSV file produced in the fourth step.
    • Output: A CSV file stores conflict information involving design smells.


The is used to assess whether a design smell instance is mitigable.

The script takes the outputs of DroidDS-sample as an eaxmple usage
  • Input:
    • res_metric_statistic.json , it is one of the output results from DroidDS. The script takes DroidDS-sample's output as an eaxmple usage, i.e., res_metric_statistic.json.
  • Output:
    • mitigable_count.csv: the column names are project,smell_mitigable,smell_notMitigable, which indicating project name, the kind of smell, count of mitigable or not mitigable smell instance.



To better illustrate the input and output of DroidDS, we provided an sample project DroidDS-sample.

Operating System : Ubuntu 18.04.1

Java: 21.0.2 2024-01-16 LTS

Input argument explanation

The Android variant version of the sample project is LineageOS-lineage-18.1, and its source code of platform/frameworks/base is in /data1/DroidDS/AndroidSourceCodeGit/L-18.1(i.e. the input of -rpe argument). The final directory is L-18.1 (i.e. the input of -rpen argument). Its non-SDK level file is /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/input/hiddenapi-flags-L-18.1.csv (i.e. the input of -hde argument), we upload it at hiddenapi-flags-L-18.1.csv . Its commitId is 7f7fc2562a95be630dbe609e8fb70383dcfada4f (i.e. the input of -ce argument), the corresponding code is at

The corresponding AOSP version of the sample project is AOSP-android11, and its source code of platform/frameworks/base is in /data1/DroidDS/AndroidSourceCodeGit/aosp_android11 (i.e. the input of -rpa argument). The final directory is aosp_android11 (i.e. the input of -rpea argument). Its non-SDK level file is /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/input/hiddenapi-flags-android11.csv (i.e. the input of -hda argument), we upload it at hiddenapi-flags-L-18.1.csv . Its commitId is 49d8b986dddd441df741698541788c5f3a9c465f (i.e. the input of -ce argument), the corresponding code is at

The outputs of DroidDS-sample designated is /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/output(i.e. the input of -o argument).

It should be noted that due to the large scale of the Android system's code, we are unable to upload the complete project source code to the GitHub repository. You can refer to AOSP platforms/frameworks/base and LineageOS platforms/frameworks/base and clone codes.

So, the example usage is :

./DroidDS \\
  -rpe /data1/DroidDS/AndroidSourceCodeGit/L-18.1 \\
  -rpen L-18.1 \\
  -hde /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/input/hiddenapi-flags-L-18.1.csv \\
  -ce 7f7fc2562a95be630dbe609e8fb70383dcfada4f \\
  -rpa /data1/DroidDS/AndroidSourceCodeGit/aosp_android11 \\
  -rpan aosp_android11 \\
  -hda /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/input/hiddenapi-flags-android11.csv \\
  -ca 49d8b986dddd441df741698541788c5f3a9c465f \\
  -o /data1/DroidDS/DroidDS-sample/output

TimeCost : the DroidDS-sample project took an hour and a half to complete.

This Data/Methodology/DroidDS-sample/output directory contains the data of ownership, dependencies information, maintenance cost, design smell detection result and files affected by design smells generated by DroidDS. Below is an introduction to the content of each file.

  • all_aff_files.csv : the file list which affected by design smells.

  • dependencies.csv : the result of dependencies between AOSP and AOSP variant.

  • entities_ownership.csv : the entity ownership detection result below the 'File' level in the project.

  • file-mc_ext.csv : the maintenance cost for each file computed by author, commit,changeloc,issue ,#issue-cmt,issueLoc

  • L-18.1-CD4.csv : the detection result of CD4.

  • res.json : the detection result of other ID1-ID4, UD1-UD5, CD1-CD4.

  • res_metric_statistic.json : the midden result used to judge one smell instance is isMitigable .


The folder contains initial data necessary to conduct experiments and investigate four research questions.

Subject Collection

This directory contains merge points in which downstream project versions merge upstream AOSP

  • <project name>-<version>-merge.csv : the merge points of the current downstream project version which contains merge commit, both upstream and downstream's parent commits and branches.

Conflict Collection

This directory contains data on textual conflict detection results of each project version and details of manually selected conflict blocks.

  • <project name>-<version>-merge.csv : the conflict details of the current downstream project version which contains merge nodes, conflict files quantity, conflict java files quantity, and conflict blocks LOC.


RQ1: Do entities involved in design smells consume more maintenance costs than other entities in Android variants?

All files or directories mentioned below are in Data/Results/RQ1.

The content of all_aff_files.csv is the file list affected by design smells in each project.

The content of Figure 4.csv is the original data of Figure 4.

The content of Table 3.csv is the original data of Table 3.

The files in mc are the original files generated by DroidDS, and each file-mc_ext.csv in {project}/{verison} directory records the maintenance cost for each file computed byauthor, commit,changeloc,issue ,#issue-cmt,issueLoc.

RQ2: To what extent do the entities involved in design smells capture conflicts due to Android variants merging with AOSP changes?

All files or directories mentioned below are in Data/Results/RQ2.

The files in ConfF&ConfB are generated by RQ2 Step 4, and each project-version-meths.csv file records the conflict block information of the project that has occurred conflict merge several times.

  • Merge: The commit id on which the merge conflict occurred
  • Conf_detail: The file in conflict
  • Loc: The total number of conflict lines in the file
  • Block: The number of conflicting blocks in the file
  • Loc_details: The location information for each conflicting block, including the start line number and the total number of lines.

The files in ConfF&ConfB_cap are generated by RQ2 step 5. Each project-version-meths.csv file records the conflict block information of several conflict merges in the project, and these conflicts are caused by anti-patterns.

  • Merge : The commit id on which the merge conflict occurred
  • Conf_detail: The file where the conflict occurred
  • Loc: The total number of lines of code in the conflict block of the file
  • Block : The number of conflicting blocks in the file
  • Loc_details : Location information for each conflicting block, including the start line number and total line number.
  • is_in_aff_files : Used to indicate if the conflict is related to the antipattern, "True".

recur_block_cap is used to record repeated conflict blocks across commits, versions, and projects when the threshold is set to 50%.

  • The files in diff-commit, diff-version, and diff-project are derived from steps 1 and 2 of Set up 3.3. Here's an explanation of the fields in each progect-cap-recur_textblock.csv file:
    • merge_commitid: The commitid on which the merge conflict occurred.
    • file: The file in which the conflict occurred.
    • Loc_details: Location information for each conflicting block, including the start line number and total line number.
    • block_text_num; : Text information for the conflicting block.
    • recur_segment: two similar text segments that repeat conflicting blocks.
    • proportion : the proportion of similar text segments in each conflicting block.
  • The files in diff-commit-times, diff-version-times, and diff-project-times are derived from step three of Setup. Here's an explanation of the fields in each progect-cap-recur_textblock.csv file:
    • file : The file in which the conflict occurred.
    • merge_commitid : The commitid on which the merge conflict occurred.
    • recur_segment : two similar text segments that repeat conflicting blocks.
    • times : the total number of times each conflict block occurs across commits/versions/projects.

RQ3: To what extent can design smell instances be mitigable to promote Android variant maintainability?

All files or directories mentioned below are in Data/Results/RQ3

The content of Table 7.csv is the original data of Table 7.

The content of Table 8.csv is the original data of Table 8.

The files in mitigable are the original files generated by DroidDS, and each res_metric_statistic.json in {project}/{verison} directory records the metrics about mitigable or notMitigable.


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