- Antigen:
antigen bundle xav-b/zsh-extend-history
- ZPlug:
zplug "xav-b/zsh-extend-history"
- oh-my-zsh:
$ git clone https://github.com/xav-b/zsh-extend-history ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/extend-history
And add extend-history
to plugins
in .zshrc
# file to write history
# default to `$HOME/.zsh_extended_history`
export ZSH_EXTEND_HISTORY_FILE="/tmp/my-zsh.history"
# print history collected on stdout instead of file
Just source the file everytime you test changes =)
Something like that can help: tail -f $ZSH_EXTEND_HISTORY_FILE | ./stream.py
vim and other long-lasting commands is an issue for the start and end hooks (other commands will probably happen in the meantime). We should instead compute a unique id that the
can refer too, and use it to retrieve the start stored in a temporary place (/tmp/gi/{this-id}.cmd). -
command sometimes appear on a seperate line (most probably related) -
option to ignore "boring commands" (ls, cd, ...)
command to nicely display in the terminal? (or put that in gi)
session id
Only search/display history per directory/git project