apt-get update; apt-get install git; apt-get install g++; git clone https://github.com/wwwqr-000/Whiteavocado.git /Whiteavocado; cd /Whiteavocado/whiteavocado-web-server; chmod 0777 setup.sh; ./setup.sh; rm setup.sh
systemctl start white-web
systemctl status white-web
systemctl stop white-web
The whiteavocado web server is still in early beta.
Look in the log file to see errors and access changes.
You can fully customize the whiteavocado web server and can even change the source code.
The web server can only run HTTP at the moment. I also hope to change this in the future.
Look in the main.cpp file and /classes folder to change the source code.
It can take up to 2 minutes to close a socket. So if you restarting, it can take a while.
Tip: To see all your open ports run the following command:
lsof -P -i
The whiteavocado web server is more secure compared to other web servers.
It has a whitelist file that only allows clients to visit the paths that are included within. So any other path will return a not found.
As for now, all error messages will be 200 OK. To confuse the potential hacker.
Whiteavocado is tested on the following linux distro:
VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"