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wsttiger committed Sep 27, 2015
1 parent ada428c commit b23e336
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Showing 10 changed files with 2,479 additions and 0 deletions.
376 changes: 376 additions & 0 deletions heisen.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
* heisen.h
* Created on: Aug 22, 2011
* Author: wsttiger

#ifndef HEISEN_H_
#define HEISEN_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>

#include "matrix.h"

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::bitset;
using std::vector;
using std::complex;
using std::ifstream;

#define NSIZE 4

typedef bitset<NSIZE> ketT;

void print_state(const ketT& ket) {

int cntbits(int s1, int s2, ketT state) {
if (s1 == s2) return 0;

int sum = 0;
if (s1 > s2) {
for (int i = s2;i < s1; i++) {
if (state[i]) sum++;
else if (s1 < s2) {
for (int i = s1;i < s2; i++) {
if (state[i]) sum++;
return sum;

class States {
States () {}

States(int nup, int nsites)
: nsites(nsites), nup(nup) {

printf("states constructor ... begin\n");
int tnstates = 1 << nsites;

// create states for up and down spins
for (int i = 0; i < tnstates; i++) {
ketT tstate(i);
if (nup < 0) {
else if (cntbits(0,nsites, tstate) == nup) {

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
umap.insert(pair<unsigned long,unsigned long>(states[i].to_ulong(),i));

nst= states.size();
printf("states constructor ... end\n");

int get_nst() const {return nst;}

ketT get_state(int indx) const {
return states[indx];

unsigned long get_state_index(const ketT s) const {
return umap.find(s.to_ulong())->second;

int get_nup() {return nup;}

int get_ndown() {return nsites-nup;}

void print() {
printf("nsites: %d nup: %d\n", nsites, nup);
for (unsigned int ist = 0; ist < states.size(); ist++) {
printf("%d |%s> %ld\n",ist,

vector< ketT > states;
vector< ketT > dstates;
map<unsigned long,unsigned long> umap;

int nsites;
int nup;
int nst;


struct Bond {
int i, j;
double J;
Bond() {}
Bond(int i, int j, double J)
: i(i), j(j), J(J) {}
typedef vector<Bond> latticeT;

class Sector {
Sector() {}

Sector(latticeT lattice, int sites, int nup)
: lattice(lattice) {
states = States(nup, sites);
int nst = states.get_nst();

virtual vector<double> apply_works_no_debug(const vector<double>& svec) {
vector<double> rvec(svec.size());
for (auto ist = 0; ist < svec.size(); ist++) {
ketT st = states.get_state(ist);
double val = svec[ist];
if (std::abs(val) > 1e-15) {
// loop over lattice sites
for (auto is = 0; is < lattice.size(); is++) {
Bond bond = lattice[is];
int i = bond.i; int j = bond.j; double J = bond.J;
// diagonal
if (st[i] == st[j])
rvec[ist] += -0.25*J*val;
// off-diagonal
else {
rvec[ist] += 0.25*J*val;
ketT stij = ketT(st);
stij[i] = !st[i]; stij[j] = !st[j];
unsigned long lstij = states.get_state_index(stij);
rvec[lstij] -= 0.5*J*val;
return rvec;

virtual vector<double> apply_doesnt_work(const vector<double>& svec) {
vector<double> rvec(svec.size());
for (auto ist = 0; ist < svec.size(); ist++) {
ketT st = states.get_state(ist);
double val = svec[ist];
if (std::abs(val) > 1e-15) {
// loop over lattice sites
for (auto is = 0; is < lattice.size(); is++) {
Bond bond = lattice[is];
int i = bond.i; int j = bond.j; double J = bond.J;
// off-diagonal
ketT spmop(0);
spmop[i] = true; spmop[j] = true;
int matchbits = cntbits(0,NSIZE,spmop & st);
if (matchbits == 1) {
rvec[ist] += 0.25*J*val;
ketT stij = ketT(st);
stij ^= spmop;
unsigned long lstij = states.get_state_index(stij);
rvec[lstij] -= 0.5*J*val;
else if (matchbits == 2) {
rvec[ist] += -0.25*J*val;
return rvec;

virtual vector<double> apply_works(const vector<double>& svec) {
vector<double> rvec(svec.size());
for (auto ist = 0; ist < svec.size(); ist++) {
ketT st = states.get_state(ist);
double val = svec[ist];
printf("apply(): ist = %d\n",ist);
if (std::abs(val) > 1e-15) {
// loop over lattice sites
for (auto is = 0; is < lattice.size(); is++) {
Bond bond = lattice[is];
int i = bond.i; int j = bond.j; double J = bond.J;
// off-diagonal
printf("Bond (i,j): %d %d J = %4.2f\n",i,j,J);
if (st[i] != st[j]) {
ketT stij = ketT(st);
stij[i] = !st[i]; stij[j] = !st[j];
unsigned long lstij = states.get_state_index(stij);
std::cout << lstij << "|" << st << "> -----> | " << stij << ">" << std::endl;
rvec[lstij] -= 0.5*J*val;
printf("rvec[%ld]: %5.3f\n", lstij, rvec[lstij]);
// diagonal
printf("J: %10.5f val: %10.5f\n", J, val);
std::cout << "(before) |" << st << "> --> " << rvec[ist] << std::endl;
rvec[ist] += (st[i] == st[j]) ? -0.25*J*val : 0.25*J*val;
printf("Diagonal: \n");
std::cout << "(after) |" << st << "> --> " << rvec[ist] << std::endl;
return rvec;

vector<double> make_matrix()
int nst= states.get_nst();
vector<double> rmat(nst*nst,0.0);

for (int i = 0; i < nst; i++) {
vector<double> v1(nst,0.0);
v1[i] = 1.0;
for (int j = 0; j < nst; j++) {
vector<double> v2(nst,0.0);
v2[j] = 1.0;

vector<double> rvec = apply_works_no_debug(v1);
double t1 = dotvec(rvec,v2);
rmat[i*nst+j] = t1;

// make sure that the matrix is symmetric
double tol = 1e-10;
for (int i = 0; i < nst; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (fabs(rmat[i*nst+j]-rmat[j*nst+i]) > tol)
printf("ERROR: (make_matrix()) elements [%3d,%3d] != [%3d,%3d]\n", i,j,j,i);

return rmat;

int get_nst() const {return states.get_nst();}
States states;
latticeT lattice;

class HeisenCalculation {

// HeisenCalculation(const string& sfile) {
// ifstream astream(sfile.c_str());
// int nup;
// double J_tmp;
// int nx;
// int ny;
// int latticetype;
// std::string lattice_file;
// while(!astream.eof()) {
// string s1;
// astream >> s1;
// s1.erase(remove_if(s1.begin(), s1.end(), isspace), s1.end());
// if ("") == 0) {}
// else if ("J") == 0) {
// astream >> J_tmp;
// }
// else if ("nup") == 0) {
// astream >> nup;
// }
// else if ("latticetype") == 0) {
// astream >> latticetype;
// }
// else if ("nx") == 0) {
// astream >> nx;
// }
// else if ("ny") == 0) {
// astream >> ny;
// }
// else {
// printf("ERROR reading input file: %s\n\n", s1.c_str());
// exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// }
// }
// if (latticetype == 0) {
// if (ny == 1)
// {
// //create_1d_lattice();
// }
// else {
// //create_2d_square_lattice();
// }
// }
// else {
// printf("lattice file not implemented yet!\n\n");
// assert(false);
// }
// states = States(nup,nx*ny);
// astream.close();
// }

HeisenCalculation(int sites) {

void create_ring(int sites) {
// double J = 1.0;
// for (int i = 0; i < sites-1; i++) {
// lattice.push_back(Bond(i,i+1,J));
// }
// lattice.push_back(Bond(sites-1,0,J));
// sectors.push_back(Sector(lattice,sites,-1));

double J = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < sites-1; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sites; i++) {

vector<double> eigenvalues() {
vector<double> e;
for (unsigned int is = 0; is < sectors.size(); is++) {
Sector s = sectors[is];
int nst = s.get_nst();
vector<double> mat = s.make_matrix();
vector<double> es(nst,0.0);
vector<double> ev(nst*nst,0.0);
std::sort(e.begin(),e.end(),[](const double& a, const double& b) {return a < b;});
return e;

latticeT lattice;
std::vector<Sector> sectors;


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