Releases: wrouesnel/p2cli
Releases · wrouesnel/p2cli
* Update to latest pongo2 master which supports new "set" functionality. * Add `replace` filter.
* Add `--input-root-key`` parameter pongo2 enforces restrictions on the structure of top level context keys. This breaks JSON/YAML/other formats if they have regular dashes (-) in key names. The `--input-root-key` parameter puts the entire input file context under a common key, which allows it to function normally.
* Fix environment variables not being pulled from environment.
* Add `--directory-mode-filename-substr-del` command to make templating in directory mode easier. See for details.
* Fix GOOS format error from multi-platform releases. (from r12) * `--include-env` option to allow enviornment overrides of input files.
* Add new filters: * `indent` - output data with the given indent. Can be given either a string or number of spaces. * `to_json` - outputs structured data as JSON. Supplying a parameter sets the indent. * `to_yaml` - outputs structured data as YAML. * `to_toml` - outputs structured data as TOML. Must be supplied a map. * `string` - convert input data to string (use with `from_base64`) * `bytes` - convert input data to bytes * `to_base64` - encode a string or bytes to base64 * `from_base64` - decode a string from base64 to bytes * `to_gzip` - compress bytes with gzip (supply level as parameter, default 9) * `from_gzip` - decompress bytes with gzip
* Fix not exiting when pre-requisites for directory mode not met. * Filter bad environment variable names out when using environment variables. Other modes are unaffected.
Release 8. * Add `--directory-mode` which allows templating an entire folder of templates. * Add SetMode, SetOwner and SetGroup folders to allow manipulating ownership and permissions on emitted files. * See for details on new usage.