An ERC20
standard token with burn capability. Built on the OpenZeppelin framework.
Specifically, this contract is upgradeable, relying on the upgradeable official fork of openzeppelin. See:
Only contract owner can burn token.
Production token address:
Rinkeby token address: *0x0de41b96376f7AaFf671BE23c7881c695a0d161D
Be sure to have node >= 10.x
$ node --version
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm install
$ npm run test
$ npm run coverage
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
contracts/ | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
WAXPERC20.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
You will have to transfer ownership back to a 12-word mnemonic (npx mnemonics
) controlled address rather than a ledger device as the support for it with deployments is poor. Use the PROJECT_ID=<infura web3 provider project id> MNEMONIC="<12 word mnemonic> npm run change-owner
command to do so and change fields appropriately in the scripts/owner file to hit the correct new ownership addresses. Realize the proxyAdmin accounts within the owner.js file are correct for rinkeby and mainnent. Once the proxyAdmin wonership is trnasferred to a mnemonic controlled address, use it to upgrade the contract via PROJECT_ID=<infura web3 provider project id> MNEMONIC="<12 word mnemonic> npm run upgrade
. After the upgrade is complete, return control back to the ledger using the change onwner command. You will have to edit the scripts/owner.js appropriately to do so.
Note: see this GH thread to better understand the ownership vs admin roles in the upgradable contracts pattern OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-sdk#968 (comment)
- The ProxyAdmin is a contract which is by default the admin (i.e., the one that can upgrade Proxy instances or change a Proxy instance admin) of your created instances.
- The Proxy is a contract that delegates calls to a logic contract, probably the one you developed. The proxy address is the one you provide to your users.
- The Owner in this context it is the account you have used to create a proxy (i.e., the one specified with the --from flag or a default account), who is the owner of the ProxyAdmin (using openzeppelin-solidity Ownable contract), but not the admin of the Proxy (because, as said before, the default admin of the Proxy will be the ProxyAdmin.
- This mean that when you use the zos set-admin command, you will be changing the admin of a Proxy, from the ProxyAdmin to any other account you provide. This is really dangerous and you should basically never do this. No idea why this is a useful command. Whereas changing the owner of the proxyadmin contract is useful because that user controls upgrades so you would want to secure that with an offline account
- create deployment script
const { deployProxy } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');
const WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe = artifacts.require('WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe');
module.exports = async function (deployer) {
const instance = await deployProxy(WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe, [process.env.ESCROW_ADDRESS], { deployer });
console.log('Deployed', instance.address);
- run truffle migration:
MNEMONIC="YOUR MNEMONIC" PROJECT_ID="YOUR PROJECT ID" npx truffle migrate --network rinkeby
- create upgrade script
const { upgradeProxy } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');
const WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe = artifacts.require('WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe');
const WAXPERC20UpgradeSafeV2 = artifacts.require('WAXPERC20UpgradeSafeV2');
module.exports = async function (deployer) {
const existing = await WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe.deployed();
const instance = await upgradeProxy(existing.address, WAXPERC20UpgradeSafeV2, { deployer });
console.log("Upgraded", instance.address);
- run truffle migration:
MNEMONIC="YOUR MNEMONIC" PROJECT_ID="YOUR PROJECT ID" npx truffle migrate --network rinkeby
MNEMONIC="YOUR MNEMONIC" PROJECT_ID="YOUR PROJECT ID" npx truffle console --network rinkeby
truffle(rinkeby)> let instance = await WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe.deployed()
truffle(rinkeby)> (await instance.totalSupply()).toString()
truffle(rinkeby)> await instance.transfer("0x26e7ef2d05793c6d47c678f1f4b246856236f089", "400000000");
truffle(rinkeby)> (await instance.balanceOf("0x26e7ef2d05793c6d47c678f1f4b246856236f089")).toString()
Old WAX ERC20 token smart contract repo:
Old WAX ERC20 token smart contract goerli address: 0x232918cc7e02700427449504fde7dad9a5a38693
Old WAX ERC20 token smart contract mainnet address:
New WAXP ERC20 goerli contract address: 0x8EC63D0803994bA4038A8D8ceDEA16E7280E62B9
- set old wax token address
$ cd waxp-erc20
MNEMONIC="YOUR MNEMONIC" PROJECT_ID="YOUR PROJECT ID" npx truffle console --network goerli
truffle(goerli)> let instance = await WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe.deployed()
truffle(goerli)> await instance.setWaxToken("0x232918cc7e02700427449504fde7dad9a5a38693")
- Transfer amount of WAXP to contract address
$ cd waxp-erc20
truffle(goerli)> let instance = await WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe.deployed()
truffle(goerli)> await instance.transfer("0x8EC63D0803994bA4038A8D8ceDEA16E7280E62B9", "1000000000000000")
- User approve for new WAXP contract to take token in old WAX contract
$ cd wax-erc20-delivery-contract
truffle(goerli)> const oldWaxToken = await"0x3Fc977975c70ffc9d2C2A6aCb3Ea43EEF50d21B3")
truffle(goerli)> await oldWaxToken.approve("0x8EC63D0803994bA4038A8D8ceDEA16E7280E62B9", "100000000")
- Swap WAXP from old contract to new contract
$ cd waxp-erc20
truffle(goerli)> let instance = await WAXPERC20UpgradeSafe.deployed()
$ truffle(rinkeby)> await instance.swapogwax("1000000000")