- Focusing on the look, not the price.
- Update the fashion items following the latest and popular trends.
By clicking each fashion item, users can check...
- Brand name
- Additional images
- Item name
- Price (current & original)
- Product details
- About the Brand
- Model's size & fit
- Precautions
- Textures
Even if the clothes look awesome, if the color doesn't match, it just becomes an iffy fashion item.
But to check whether the color matches well trying all the clothes on, it's hard.
Stylish offers the users to search the fashion items in a various ways.
You can search it following the categories or just search it with keywords.
Also, you can put some options when searching with keywords.
You can choose to sort it by ascending, descending, recommended, or latest order.
And you can set also the price limit.
We offer the wish list function to help the users with choosing fashion items.
By clicking on the bookmark icon of the items from home screen, search screen, and detailed screen, users can save their favorites into their wish list.
Also, if the users click on this icon once again, the bookmark icon will be changed from the filled one to the outlined one, and the corresponding fashion item will be removed from your wish list.
Asos api from rapidapi.com -> https://rapidapi.com/DataCrawler/api/asos10/
Stylish uses the api from the rapidapi's api hub. To try this app, please get your own API_KEY and put it in AppModule file.
fun provideHttpClient(): HttpClient {
return HttpClient(Android) {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
json(Json {
prettyPrint = true
isLenient = true
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
install(DefaultRequest) {
header("X-RapidAPI-Key", "PUT YOUR API KEY HERE")
header("X-RapidAPI-Host", "asos10.p.rapidapi.com")