This repository holds a boilerplate to be used with the Ignite CLI by Infinite Red. The purpose of this boilerplate is to give React Native developers a quick and easy set up with some core libaries/integrations.
First make sure you are set up for React Native
Ensure you have Node 7.6+
Install Yarn for your system
Install the Ignite CLI
npm install -g ignite-cli
Clone this repository locally
Then create your new react native application by executing the following (substitute the path for the path of where you cloned this repo)
ignite new exampleApp --boilerplate=/Users/admin/Templates/ignite-custom-boilerplate
- Integration with Crashlyrics (Android Only)
- Semantic versioning via NPM read more about semantic versioning
- Core Packages
- Optional Packages
- crashlytics iOS
- fastlane