released this
30 Jan 16:33
Add - SEPA mandate notification email.
Add - Preferred language to SOFORT and Bancontact so it can be localized.
Add - Hook to change SEPA mandate notification to none "wc_stripe_sepa_mandate_notification".
Add - Hook to change data for product when using Payment Request Button "wc_stripe_payment_request_product_data".
Add - Hook to change the behavior of allowing subscriptions to charge a customer's default source "'wc_stripe_use_default_customer_source'".
Add - Hook to source object "wc_stripe_sofort_source", "wc_stripe_p24_source", "wc_stripe_ideal_source", "wc_stripe_giropay_source", "wc_stripe_bancontact_source", "wc_stripe_alipay_source", "wc_stripe_3ds_source".
Add - Hook to change payment request button total label "wc_stripe_payment_request_total_label".
Add - Hook to change locale of Stripe Checkout "wc_stripe_checkout_locale".
Add - Hook to change elements options "wc_stripe_elements_options".
Fix - When checkout form produces an error on mobile, sometimes the blocking mask is not release blocking new input.
Fix - On older subscription payments, the ending card number is not shown on the subscriptions table in my account.
Fix - Filter to show payment request button on checkout page not working.
Fix - WC session handling compatibility with WC 3.3.
Fix - BW compatibility with WC 2.6.x on add_order_meta to prevent errors.
Fix - Possible fix for duplicate charges due to webhook and redirect handler firing at the same time by adding delay to the webhook process.
Tweak - In a subscription billing, Stripe source ID is no longer a required field.
Tweak - On a subscription order renewal-- if source is empty, will now try to charge the default source.
Notice - Bitcoin has been soft deprecated and Stripe will no longer support it on April 23, 2018. Please plan accordingly.
Remove - Stripe Checkout Locale setting in favor of using store set locale.
Update - Stripe API version to 2018-01-23.
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