A simple demo repository to show the basic Git workflow.
- 先在github 上新增專案
- git clone +address 到本機
- 將本機專案壓縮至 git專案下 unzip 檔案位址
- 使用 git add . 將檔案更新至 staging area
- 使用 git commit -m "Adding start text file" 將檔案更新至 Repository area
- git push origin master 將檔案push to github
git clone +address
git clone https://github.com/wl02638153/github-demo.git
git version
git status
echo "Test Git Quick Start Demo" >> start.txt
cat +filename
cat start.txt
git add start.txt
git commit -m "Adding start text file"
git push origin master
git push -f (更新)
mv oldname newname
mv css web-project
rm -rf filename
rm -rf github-demo
unzip 檔案位址 unzip D:/bootstrap-4.1.1-dist.zip