This is the final project of my independent study on Xcode. It is an iOS app that displays an assortment of flags and a brief description of each. Features include a custom dark mode, displaying only favourited flags and sharing flags using Apple’s share sheet feature. Descriptions were pulled from Wikipedia.
The app began as me following Chapter 1 of Apple’s SwiftUI tutorial. Originally, I intended to use it only to learn the basics of Swift and Xcode, the language and code editor of Apple apps, as my goal was a file sharing app that could transfer files from iOS to Windows, like AirDrop. I realised, however, that this was probably overambitious, as it would require networking and data transfer expertise I didn’t have. I instead decided to continue developing the tutorial app into the framework for a file sharing app and explore more of what SwiftUI can do.
Using this app as a foundation, I hope to be able to make my original idea a reality in the future once I learn more about app design.
- Xcode