Web Application: Income and Expense Recording
Please create your GitHub repo for make this web app with React and Node.js + any Database (such as MySQL, MongoDB, etc)
After finish, send your repo and important materials to [email protected]
Please read already before do the assignment
- Register new user
- Login
data that is collected => thing, money, date
- Add Income
- Edit Income
- Delete Income
data that is collected => thing, money, date
- Add Expense
- Edit Expense
- Delete Expense
make following with React and/or other library for helping you
Login Page
login with username and password
Signup Page
signup with username and password
Daily Page
show list of income and expense daily (can see other day, default show today)
Other Page that you think
make API for supporting frontend with javascript or typescript that run on Node.js and design database for this app (You can use any framework and any database)
send the following to [email protected]
- repository url that there are your source code
- Enitity Relationship Diagram (database design)
You can add special feature that you think (Surprise me !!!)