#NodeJs Require Enhance
##Simple Use
if your project structure like
|--lib <- lib dir
|----my-module <- lib module dir
|------index.js <- lib module code
|--App <- Application dir
|----Module <- App Module dir
|------index.js <- AppModule code
|----index.js <- entry code
only require node-require-enhance module in head of your entry code and give the Application Path (normally __dirname) and everything is ok. Then you can use $root,$lib,$at to locate your modules anywhere.
var root_module = require($root('OutsideModule'));
var my_module = require($lib('my-module'));
var at_moudle = require($at('Module/someutils'));
$ node require_enhance_example.js
I am my-module
I am Outside Module
I am someutils Inside Module
##Description $root() means the parent directory of your App path. $lib() means the lib directory under your App path. $at() means the app directory, so $at('lib') equals $lib() by default.
you can define the libname by setting the option by
apppath: __dirname,
libname: 'Library'
apppath stirng AppPath
libname string Lib directory name
global boolean Register in global defualt:true