A Prototype JS Class that creates a replacement style-lized select box menu.
- Supports Tabbing into the select box.
- Type searching (ex: and item in select box is Apple, when open start typing the word and it will select it).
- Easily Skinnable with CSS.
- Fires a custom event on original select box.
- Changes the value on the original select box when changed on custom replacement.
- Tested on IE6,firefox,chrome,safari.
Constructs an ATMCASHDropdown object
<select id="original"><option value="apple">Apples</option></select>
The script automatically replaces all the select
boxes on dom:loaded
but you can also create them on demand.
This will create the replacement dropdown for select box with id original
new Dropdowns('original');
This is a static Method that creates a replacement dropdown for all boxes found in the page. Add class name replaced if you don't wish to have a specific select item to be chagned. Dropdowns.create(); Methods This will manually change the value of both the Custom Dropdown and the original select box based on value Dropdowns.setValue('original','apple'); Manually set the value of both Custom dropdown and select box based the on the index Dropdowns.setSelectedIndex('original',0); Returns the Dropdown Class Instance for the select element Dropdowns.getObject('original'); Observing custom Blur event: $('original').observe('dropdown:blur',function(){ alert('Value Changed to: '+$F(this); });