Generate random bitcoin wallets & private keys (seeds) and then check if they match any wallet that has a positive balance, and then take all the btc from it.
- Now calling garbage collector to potentially stop from memory leaking
- Releasing references to objects to allow the gc reclaim the memory
- Loading riches.txt contents to a map() object to increase the scripts overall performance
- Added a message to console when program starts, to calm down people who think the program isn't working because the console is blank.
- Fixed big memory leak issue and removed extra scripts that were necessary before, that are unnecesary now.
- Linux support: linux users will go to the "linux" directory to run the program.
- Install Node.js
- npm i
- Lots of time on your hands.. there's a lot and I mean A LOT of possible addresses and keys, you will be extremely lucky to find any that will match your list.
Just start run.bat (or if you're on linux).
Results from a somewhat decent computer:
- 1.56 million checks every 1 minute
- 7.2 billion checks in 1 day
- 54 billion checks in a week
- 216 billion checks in a month
- 2.8 trillion checks in a year
But please keep in mind that this is still really not much compared to all possible combinations that should be checked.
Go to the test folder and hit run. It will show you what would happen if a wallet from your list was found.
There are a lot of wallets with high balances that are lost forever, which means nobody can access them and the money is basically there just to be picked up by anyone. This program can possibly find these lost wallets and their matching private keys and take the btc out of them.
If you would like to tip me in case you won anything or you appreciate the program, here is my BTC wallet and ETH. It will be greatly appreciated. Also you can give this project a star :)
My Bitcoin: 14erhPhc9GWKjwxi1gULqjNxc7hMHUJhmb
My Ethereum: 0x10216699882a3395893bbeb03745f444799be108
My LTC: LiMPN75CmUKHNSGof6UEttikARmdEotvwW
I'm not actually responsible for what you do with this. Don't steal active wallet money, that's just wrong. Not to mention the new wallets are most likely protected much more and stuff.
It's almost impossible to find anything. Even though this method is not bruteforce and is creating random keys, the chances of winning are still very very low. You could get lucky though, good luck!