(Reach out to a maintainer of this repo for credentials for the dev database)
- Fork the repo and run the following commands in that directory:
pip install pipenv --user
(if you dont already have it installed)pipenv install
pipenv run python3 app.py
This project uses SQLAlchemy to access a PostgresQL database. The following is the (generated afterwards) DB schema:
create table artistmuralrelation (
artist_id integer not null,
mural_id integer not null,
primary key (artist_id, mural_id),
foreign key (artist_id) references artists (id)
match simple on update no action on delete no action,
foreign key (mural_id) references murals (id)
match simple on update no action on delete no action
create table artists (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('artists_id_seq'::regclass),
name character varying(50),
notes text
create table feedback (
feedback_id integer primary key not null default nextval('feedback_feedback_id_seq'::regclass),
notes text,
time timestamp without time zone,
mural_id integer,
foreign key (mural_id) references murals (id)
match simple on update no action on delete no action
create table imagemuralrelation (
image_id integer not null,
mural_id integer not null,
primary key (image_id, mural_id)
create table images (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('images_id_seq'::regclass),
caption text,
alttext text,
ordering integer,
imghash text,
fullsizehash text
create table mural_tags (
tag_id integer,
mural_id integer,
id integer primary key not null default nextval('mural_tags_id_seq'::regclass),
foreign key (mural_id) references murals (id)
match simple on update no action on delete no action,
foreign key (tag_id) references tags (id)
match simple on update no action on delete no action
create table murals (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('murals_id_seq'::regclass),
title character varying(50) default 'Unnamed',
artistknown boolean default false,
notes text,
year integer,
location character varying(100),
nextmuralid integer,
text_search_index tsvector default to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, (((((((COALESCE(title, ''))::text || ' '::text) || COALESCE(notes, ''::text)) || ' '::text) || COALESCE((year)::text, ''::text)) || ' '::text) || (COALESCE(location, ''))::text)),
active boolean default true,
spotify text,
foreign key (nextmuralid) references murals (id)
match simple on update no action on delete no action
create index muralsearch_idx on murals using gin (text_search_index);
create table tags (
id integer primary key not null default nextval('tags_id_seq'::regclass),
name character varying(255) not null,
description text not null