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Add FFT for 1 proc
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Anand committed Feb 16, 2025
1 parent c587b80 commit 8004c50
Showing 1 changed file with 230 additions and 3 deletions.
233 changes: 230 additions & 3 deletions src/post_process/m_start_up.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module m_start_up

! Dependencies

use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding

use m_derived_types !< Definitions of the derived types

use m_global_parameters !< Global parameters for the code
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,6 +45,15 @@ module m_start_up

implicit none

include 'fftw3.f03'

type(c_ptr) :: fwd_plan
type(c_ptr) :: fftw_real_data, fftw_cmplx_data
complex(c_double_complex), pointer :: data_real(:,:,:)
complex(c_double_complex), pointer :: data_cmplx(:,:,:)
real(kind(0d0)), allocatable, dimension(:, :, :) :: vel1_real, vel2_real, vel3_real, En_real
real(kind(0d0)), allocatable, dimension(:) :: En


!> Reads the configuration file post_process.inp, in order
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,9 +205,10 @@ subroutine s_save_data(t_step, varname, pres, c, H)
integer, intent(inout) :: t_step
character(LEN=name_len), intent(inout) :: varname
real(wp), intent(inout) :: pres, c, H

integer :: i, j, k, l

real(kind(0d0)) :: En_tot, rho_tot, omega_tot
character(20) :: filename
logical :: file_exists
integer :: i, j, k, l, kx, ky, kz, kf
integer :: x_beg, x_end, y_beg, y_end, z_beg, z_end

if (output_partial_domain) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,6 +356,156 @@ subroutine s_save_data(t_step, varname, pres, c, H)

! Adding the energy to the formatted database file
if (E_wrt .or. cons_vars_wrt) then

if(all((/bc_x%beg,bc_x%end,bc_y%beg,bc_y%end,bc_z%beg,bc_z%end/) == -1)) then

data_real = CMPLX(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(0:m, 0:n, 0:p) / q_cons_vf(1)%sf(0:m, 0:n, 0:p), 0d0)

data_cmplx(:, :, :) = (0d0, 0d0)

call fftw_execute_dft(fwd_plan, data_real, data_cmplx)

do j = 1, m+1
do k = 1, n+1
do l = 2, (p+1)/2

if(j /= 1) then
kx = (m + 1) - (j - 1)
kx = j - 1
end if

if(k /= 1) then
ky = (n + 1) - (k - 1)
ky = k - 1
end if

kz = (p + 1) - (l - 1)

data_cmplx(kx+1, ky+1, kz+1) = DCONJG(data_cmplx(j, k, l))

end do
end do
end do

vel1_real = abs(data_cmplx) / ((m+1)*(n+1)*(p+1))

data_real = CMPLX(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg+1)%sf(0:m, 0:n, 0:p) / q_cons_vf(1)%sf(0:m, 0:n, 0:p), 0d0)

data_cmplx(:, :, :) = (0d0, 0d0)

call fftw_execute_dft(fwd_plan, data_real, data_cmplx)

do j = 1, m+1
do k = 1, n+1
do l = 2, (p+1)/2

if(j /= 1) then
kx = (m + 1) - (j - 1)
kx = j - 1
end if
if(k /= 1) then
ky = (n + 1) - (k - 1)
ky = k - 1
end if

kz = (p + 1) - (l - 1)

data_cmplx(kx+1, ky+1, kz+1) = DCONJG(data_cmplx(j, k, l))

end do
end do
end do

vel2_real = abs(data_cmplx) / ((m+1)*(n+1)*(p+1))

data_real = CMPLX(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg+2)%sf(0:m, 0:n, 0:p) / q_cons_vf(1)%sf(0:m, 0:n, 0:p), 0d0)

data_cmplx(:, :, :) = (0d0, 0d0)

call fftw_execute_dft(fwd_plan, data_real, data_cmplx)

do j = 1, m+1
do k = 1, n+1
do l = 2, (p+1)/2

if(j /= 1) then
kx = (m + 1) - (j - 1)
kx = j - 1
end if
if(k /= 1) then
ky = (n + 1) - (k - 1)
ky = k - 1
end if

kz = (p + 1) - (l - 1)

data_cmplx(kx+1, ky+1, kz+1) = DCONJG(data_cmplx(j, k, l))

end do
end do
end do

vel3_real = abs(data_cmplx) / ((m+1)*(n+1)*(p+1))

En_real = 0.5d0*(vel1_real**2d0 + vel2_real**2d0 + vel3_real**2d0)

do kf = 1, m +1
En(kf) = 0d0
end do

do j = 1, m+1
do k = 1, n+1
do l = 1, p+1
if(j >= (m+1)/ 2) then
kx = (j-1) - (m+1)
kx = j -1
end if

if(k >= (n+1)/2) then
ky = (k-1) - (n+1)
ky = k - 1
end if

if(l >= (p+1)/2) then
kz = (l-1) - (p+1)
kz = l - 1
end if

kf = NINT(SQRT(kx**2d0 + ky**2d0 + kz**2d0)) + 1

En(kf) = En(kf) + En_real(j, k, l)

end do
end do
end do

do kf = 1, m +1
if(proc_rank == 0) then
!print *, "En_tot", En(kf) , proc_rank
end if
write(filename,'(a,i0,a)') 'En_tot',proc_rank,'.dat'
inquire (FILE=filename, EXIST=file_exists)
if (file_exists) then
open (1, file=filename, position='append', status='old')
write (1, *) En(kf), proc_rank, t_step
close (1)
open (1, file=filename, status='new')
write (1, *) En(kf), proc_rank, t_step
close (1)
end if
end do
end if

q_sf = q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(x_beg:x_end, y_beg:y_end, z_beg:z_end)
write (varname, '(A)') 'E'
call s_write_variable_to_formatted_database_file(varname, t_step)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -499,6 +661,59 @@ subroutine s_save_data(t_step, varname, pres, c, H)

call s_derive_vorticity_component(i, q_prim_vf, q_sf)

if(i == 1) then

omega_tot = 0d0
do l = 0, p
do k = 0, n
do j = 0, m
omega_tot = omega_tot + q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j, k, l)*q_sf(j,k,l)**2d0
end do
end do
end do

if(proc_rank == 0) then
!print *, "OMEGA1", omega_tot, proc_rank
end if

else if(i == 2) then
do l = 0, p
do k = 0, n
do j = 0, m
omega_tot = omega_tot + q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j, k, l)*q_sf(j,k,l)**2d0
end do
end do
end do

if(proc_rank == 0) then
!print *, "OMEGA2", omega_tot, proc_rank
end if

do l = 0, p
do k = 0, n
do j = 0, m
omega_tot = omega_tot + q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j, k, l)*q_sf(j,k,l)**2d0
end do
end do
end do

if(proc_rank == 0) then
!print *, "OMEGA3", omega_tot, proc_rank
end if
write(filename,'(a,i0,a)') 'omega_tot',proc_rank,'.dat'
inquire (FILE=filename, EXIST=file_exists)
if (file_exists) then
open (1, file=filename, position='append', status='old')
write (1, *) omega_tot, proc_rank, t_step
close (1)
open (1, file=filename, status='new')
write (1, *) omega_tot, proc_rank, t_step
close (1)
end if
end if

write (varname, '(A,I0)') 'omega', i
call s_write_variable_to_formatted_database_file(varname, t_step)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -655,6 +870,18 @@ subroutine s_initialize_modules
s_read_data_files => s_read_serial_data_files
s_read_data_files => s_read_parallel_data_files
end if
fftw_real_data = fftw_alloc_complex(int((m+1)*(n+1)*(p+1),c_size_t))
fftw_cmplx_data = fftw_alloc_complex(int((m+1)*(n+1)*(p+1),c_size_t))

call c_f_pointer(fftw_real_data, data_real, [m+1,n+1,p+1])
call c_f_pointer(fftw_cmplx_data, data_cmplx, [m+1,n+1,p+1])

fwd_plan = fftw_plan_dft_3d(m+1, n+1, p+1, data_real, data_cmplx, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE)

if(E_wrt) then
allocate(vel1_real(1:m+1, 1:n+1, 1:p+1), vel2_real(1:m+1, 1:n+1, 1:p+1), vel3_real(1:m+1, 1:n+1, 1:p+1) , En_real(1:m+1, 1:n+1, 1:p+1))
end if
end subroutine s_initialize_modules

Expand Down

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