This is part of our final project for CS 542: An Introduction to Machine Learning with Professor Kate Saenko. In this project, we extend POMDPs to aircraft collision avoidance by modifying the action space on the basis of previously inferred information about aircraft state performance, allowing us to provide highly tailored collision avoidance resolution advisories.
Dharmesh Tarapore, [email protected] Vincent Wahl, [email protected] Shantanu Bobhate, [email protected] Kasim Patel, [email protected]
To install the simulator, PyPlot and HDF5 are required. Make sure you are running Julia v0.4 since other versions appear to break various things. For the simplest example, run the installation script from the root directory like so:
julia install.jl
Once this succeeds, you are ready to begin using the simulator. To run a simulation, try:
julia examples/simulate.jl -h
$ cd examples $ julia simulate.jl
## Layout
SISLES.jl Core Encounter simulation module
SISLES.jl Top-level include file for developers
CommonInterfaces.jl List common interfaces for modules
Util.jl Utilility module
format_string.jl Output "%g" format string
ObserverImpl/ Observer pattern implementation for modules
Encounter.jl Encounter generation module
AbstractEncounterModelImpl.jl Defines the abstract type for the module
CorAEMImpl/ Correlated Airspace Encounter Model
LLAEMImpl/ Lincoln Laboratory Airspace Encounter Model
PilotResponse.jl Pilot response module
AbstractPilotResponseImpl.jl Defines the abstract type for the module
SimplePilotResponseImpl/ Simple model for pilot response
DynamicModel.jl Model for dynamics
AbstractDynamicModelImpl.jl Defines the abstract type for the module
SimpleADMImpl/ Simple model for aircraft dynamics
WorldModel.jl Model representing the world
AbstractWorldModelImpl.jl Defines the abstract type for the module
AirSpaceImpl/ Represents airspace
Sensor.jl Sensor module
AbstractSensorImpl.jl Defines the abstract type for the module
SimpleTCASSensorImpl/ Simple TCAS sensor
CollisionAvoidanceSystem.jl collision avoidance system module
AbstractCollisionAvoidanceSystemImpl.jl define abstract type for the module
SimpleTCASImpl/ simplified version of TCAS
GDQNACASImpl/. Initial implementation of the generalized deep reinforcement learning CAS
Simulator.jl simulator module
AbstractSimulatorImpl.jl define abstract type for the module
TCASSimulatorImpl/ TCAS simulator
GDQNACASImpl/. Generalized deep reinforcement learning CAS simulator.
simulate.jl Entry point for most simulations
Updated: 12/12/2017