Dealer — SCM revision helper in your projects. Just add SCM revision to your static paths and get automatic control at client browser caches:
Somewhere in templates:
<script src='/main.js?{{ request.revision }}'
On clientside:
<script src='/main.js?34jhfd45hd8'
Supported Git, Mercurial and simple revision parse by file.
For Mercurial support install mercurial
- python >= 2.6
Dealer should be installed using pip:
pip install dealer
from dealer.git import git print git.revision
# Auto parse repository type from import auto print auto.revision
path — path to SCM repository (current dir by default)
from dealer.mercurial import Backend hg = Backend('/path/to/hg/repo')
DEALER_TYPE — Type of SCM repository ('auto', 'git', 'mercurial', 'simple'). By default 'auto' DEALER_PATH — Path to SCM. By default current dir
Append to your settings:
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS += 'dealer.contrib.django.staff.context_processor',
And use REVISION variable in your templates:
<link href="/test.css?{{ REVISION }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script src="/test.js?{{ REVISION }}"></script>
Append to your settings:
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += 'dealer.contrib.django.staff.middleware',
And use in your views:
def view(request): return request.revision
Or in your templates by request.revision var.
DEALER_TYPE — Type of SCM repository ('auto', 'git', 'mercurial', 'simple'). By default 'auto' DEALER_PARAMS — Params for backend
In views:
from flask import Flask, g from dealer.contrib.flask import Dealer app = Flask('test') Dealer(app) assert app.revision @app.route('/') def usage_in_view(): return g.revision
In templates:
<link href="/test.css?{{ REVISION }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at
Development of dealer happens at github:
- klen (Kirill Klenov)
Licensed under a BSD license.