This Repository contains a wrapper to access the SerialPort in MinGW.
- Windows (tested under XP, 7 and 10)
- MinGW (untested with Visual Studio and Cygwin)
- Copy or fork SPinGW
- Include serialport.h and serialport.c to your program.
- Call openSerialPort from your program.
- Use writeToSerialPort and readFromSerialPort to transfer data
- Close the port with closeSerialPort after the communication is finished
#include <stdio.h>
#include "serialport.h"
int main(void)
HANDLE h = openSerialPort("COM1",B9600,one,off);
char sendbuffer[] = "test";
char readbuffer[100];
//write test
int bytesWritten = writeToSerialPort(h,sendbuffer,strlen(sendbuffer));
printf("%d Bytes were written\n",bytesWritten);
//read something
int bytesRead = readFromSerialPort(h,readbuffer,99);
printf("%d Bytes were read:%s\n",bytesRead,readbuffer);
ErrorExit("Closing Port failed: ");
return 0;
Compile gcc example.c serialport.c -o example.exe
- Comports with a bigger number (I believe bigger than 9) can be used by with their UNC Paths \\.\COM11 (thanks to jaui)