we-audio.lbr - Audio: Speakers, Microphones
we-board.lbr - Boards: Arduino, Raspberry Pi...
we-chip.lbr - Chips, ICs, Drivers, Microcontroller...
we-con.lbr - Connectors, Sockets...
we-opto.lbr - Displays, LEDs, Photocoupler/Optocoupler, Photointerrupter...
we-power.lbr - Batteries, V-Reg, Power Inductors...
we-rcl.lbr - R, C, L, Pot, Jumper, Diodes, Crystals...
we-sensor.lbr - Sensors: Temperature, Light, Pressure, Distance...
we-switch.lbr - Switches, Keys...
we-symbol.lbr - Symbols, Logos, Fiducials...
we-transistor.lbr - Transistors, Fets...
we-dru-2-layer.dru - 2 Layer PCB Design Rules
we-dru-4-layer.dru - 4 Layer PCB Design Rules
Download the complete libraries here and copy the content of the ZIP-Archive to your Eagle library folder. Further infos here.
These libraries are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC BY-SA) license.