This is an implementation and infrastructure of the Broadcast Encryption (BCE).
Broadcast Encryption is one of the public key encrytion schemes based on elliptic curves, and it was also my research interest when I was in Soochow Univeristy.
Currently, this project contains:
- libbcejni: A C-based native library implementing the JNI (Java Native Interface) API for Boneh-Gentry-Waters BCE scheme.
- bcejni: A Java generic wrapper of libbcejni.
- jbce: A Java Object-Oriented encapsulation of bcejni.
- bceserver: A JavaEE web server for securely managing and distributing BCE private keys with Hibernate and Spring.
I am now working on the refactoring and continuous integration for this project bundle, and MORE stuff will come.
For details about Broadcast Encryption, see: