This is a GPU CUDA version path tracer, which generate images very quickly compares to CPU version path tracer. It is based on the ray tracing algorithm by tracing rays of light through pixels in an image plane to the scene where light rays can bounce and intersect with geometries.
Based on the given code base, first I have implemented the ray tracing part using recursive algorithm.
Other helpful reference:
- Simple Easy Raycasting from a camera to scene
- Diffuse surfaces
- Perfect specular reflective surfaces
- Cube intersection testing
- Sphere surface point sampling
- Stream compaction optimization
- Stream Compaction Using stream compaction method to dynamically kill inactive rays and keep the wanted rays in the tracing program. The datatable and image shows the difference w/o stream compaction.
Time(ms)/scene2,10 maxDepth iteration 50 iteration 100 iteration 150 iteration 200 iteration 250
with streamcompaction 9.63 21.12 34.27 47.09 58.97
without streamcompaction 8.66 23.56 42.75 64.51 90.32