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Powershell and Python script to use with yt-dlp and other cli tools.


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Powershell script for yt-dlp downloads and file handling with Subtitle Edit, Mkvtoolnix, Filebot, and Plex

Script used to fetch files with yt-dlp, fix subtitles, embed into video file, rename and move video files into media server folders.



  • All file formatting is based on Windows

Powershell 7+:

  • Scripts probably work with earlier versions, but haven't tested them






Subtitle Edit:

Plex (optional)

Discord (optional):

  • Used to send out a message of videos downloaded to discord chat via webhook

Script Setup/Execution Walkthrough:

  1. Install or download prereqs and map to PATH or configure as needed.
  2. Run: path\to\dlp-script.ps1 -NC to generate base XML
    • Creates base XML config in root directory
  3. Fill out template in your path\to\the\config.xml
    • Paths to temp and destination folder for yt-dlp
    • Path the ffmpeg location
    • Url, Token, LibraryIds to to plex
    • Site credentials and corresponding LibraryId for final destination
    • Optional:
      • Fill out Discord section with token and chatid to send notification of new video with -sd parameter.
  4. Run: path\to\dlp-script.ps1 -SU to generate supporting files
    • Generates
      • fonts folder
        • Place to store custom fonts used in SubtitleEdit and mkvmerge to display custom font in subtitle file.
      • shared folder
        • Empty archive, bat, and cookie files.
      • sites folder
        • Base site configs
        • Log files
  5. Setup up configs, batch, cookie, and font files as needed
    • You'll end up with a set of manual and daily files per site
    • Pre-defined yt-dlp.config for VRV, Crunchyroll, Funimation, ParamountPlus, Youtube, Twitch available.
      • Other sites will have a generic yt-dlp.config created.
  6. Run: path\to\dlp-script.ps1 {ARGS} with applicable arguments
    • Ex. D:\Folder\dlp-script.ps1 -SN youtube -D -SE -A runs yt-dlp for youtube with the daily(_D suffix) files using the associated cookie and archive file along with running SubtitleEdit afterwards.
    • Script execution steps:
      • dlp-script.ps1 gathers initial variables based on parameters passed into script.
        • Log file is generated and located in site folder based on date/datetime
        • Creates base folder structure for tmp, src, dest.
        • Runs YT-DLP, SubtitleEdit, mkvmerge, Discord command based on parameters
        • Each run puts files in folder based on timestamp of execution.
        • Temp files store in tmp location defined in config.xml.
          • Then moved into src location defined in config.xml
          • Will grab associated video and subtitle file in src and use this list to run files against later steps.
        • If SubtitleEdit = True
          • Will run to fix common issues in subtitle files using SubtitleEdit.
          • If font value is set and file exists:
            • Update-SubtitleFont will regex through file to update font name and remove .
            • mkvmerge will embed custom font.
          • If file runs into an issue this will be outputted in the log and all files from this run will not be moved to dest.
        • Final postprocessed files will be moved from src to dest location defined in config.xml.
        • If FileBot = True will run FileBot against files in dest location.
          • Will then move all files with updated name to Plex Library Folder set from config.xml.
          • If FileBot runs into an issue this will be outputted in the log and all files from this run will not be moved to Plex Library Folder.
          • if Plex Token and Plex libraryId supplied will run API call to update folder
        • If font, archive or cookie file is define then copy Font, Archive and Cookie files for that site to src directory.
        • Bat file for that site and config.xml will always be copied to src directory.
        • Clean up of tmp, src, and dest folders.
          • tmp will always be deleted at the end of a run
          • src and dest will only be deleted if empty

dlp-script Parameters explained:

Arguments/Switches Abbreviation Description Notes
-Help -h/-H Shows MD file. If help is true or all parameters false/null then displays readme.
-NewConfig -nc/-NC Used to generate empty config if none is present.
-SupportFiles -su/-SU Creates support files like archives, batch, some basic configs and cookies files for sites in the config.xml.
-TestScript -t/-T Runs setup based on commands and values config.xml to generate a log file in the site to display proposed values. If true, dlp-exec.ps1 is not ran and only log of vars is produced.
-Site -sn/-SN Tells the script what site its working with Hardcoded acceptable values. Reads from root\config.xml file for list of applicable values
-Daily -d/-D Will use different yt-dlp configs and files and temp/home folder structure. If -D = true then it will use the _D suffix named files.
-Archive -a/-A Will tell yt-dlp command to use or not use archive file. If -A = true then it will use the _A suffix named files.
-Login -l/-L Tells yt-dlp command to use credentials stored in config xml. uses stored credentials for site in config.xml.
-Cookies -c/-C Uses cookie file in yt-dlp param even if -Login = True. Optional switch will use the _C suffix named files with browser cookies.
-Filebot -f/-F Tells script to run Filebot. Will take Plex folder name defined in config xml. Outputs file with {n}{'Season '+s00}{n} - {s00e00} - {t}
-MKVMerge -mk/-MK Tells script to run MKVMerge against video and subtitle files to edit and embed subtitle if available Expects presence of .mkv and .ass file.
-SubtitleEdit -se/-SE Tells script to run SubetitleEdit to fix common problems with .srt files if they are present. Expects presence of .ass subtitle file.
-SendDiscord -sd/-SD If Discord webhook and icon and color filled out in config.xml will send out embed message to discord channel of webhook of new videos. Outputs video information

Site Name and icon = config.xml
Series = original Directory name
Episode = original Basename of file
Subtitles = takes lang tag(s) in original Subtitle filename
Video/Audio codec(s), duration, quality = ffprobe.exe cli
-AudioLang -al/-AL Sets audio and video track to a given language code ('ar', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'es-es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'pt-br', 'pt-pt', 'ru', 'und') ex: -AL ja
-SubtitleLang -sl/-SL Sets default subtitle track to a given language code for track that matches ('ar', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'es-es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'pt-br', 'pt-pt', 'ru', 'und') Ex: -SL en
-ArchiveTemp -AT Will use a separate hardcoded archive file instead of the normal archive If both Archive and ArchiveTemp are specified AT will tak precedence
-OverrideBatch -OD Will use a separate batch file specified in the command instead Ex: -OD path\to\my\other\batch\file

AnilistScript Parameters explained:

Arguments/Switches Abbreviation Description Notes
Automated -A Allows automated run of script based on hardcoded values
All -All When updaing the CSV file it will run for all dates instead of greater than today's date
GenerateAnilistFile -G Generates either a csv file of anime based on Season or Dates
UpdateAnilistCSV -U Updates the generated csv for any changed data since created
UpdateAnilistURLs -UU Updates only the URLs in the CSV if they have changed
UpdateBlackList -UB Updates blacklist of show IDs used to ignore/delete records of IDs from being returned when generating a new CSV or updating existing data
SetDownload -D Allows users to specify whether to track a given show
GenerateBatchFile -B Creates batch files used for separate script based on days of the week
SendDiscord -SD Sends list of shows airing that day that are marked as watching
MediaID_In -I Used to override the update parameters to specified anilist Id(s) when updating records
MediaID_NotIn -NI Used to override the update parameters to specified anilist Id(s) not in the CSV when updating records
newShowCheck -NSC Similar to -NI except no need to specify ID(s)
DailyRuns -DR Run dlp-script based on batch files created using anilistData script
Backup -BU Backups files generated from anilistData script to a specified location


Powershell and Python script to use with yt-dlp and other cli tools.




