Allows you to have a project specific theme.
- Install this plugin into your project(s) by making a folder named "addons" in your project.
- Put the godot_project_specific_theme folder in the addons folder you just made.
- Enable the plugin from the editor settings.
- Change the theme of the editor using the built in method of changing themes.
- Click the "Save theme for project" button.
- Then hide the dock by clicking the "Hide dock" button.
The theme is saved in your resource folder at "res://project_theme.tres"
- Delete "res://project_theme.tres"
- Disable and reenable the plugin
- The dock will appear again and you can follow the steps above.
OR You can modify the "res://project_theme.tres" file and change dock_enabled=true. Or just modify the theme in the file directly.