What's Changed
- Develop by @Dorvin in #1
- Feature/change meal structure by @gina0605 in #2
- Feature/add transaction by @gina0605 in #3
- Develop by @Dorvin in #4
- Feature/change slack message by @gina0605 in #5
- Feature/use async by @gina0605 in #6
- close cursor and connection in finally by @Dorvin in #7
- Feature/change snuco restaurant crawler by @gina0605 in #8
- Change GraduateDormRestaurantCrawler to SnudormRestaurantCrawler by @gina0605 in #9
- Develop by @gina0605 in #10
- Feat/11 debugging option by @GanziDaeyong in #12
- fix jaha restaurant by @GoGiants1 in #15
- feat/17 -> 두레미담 주문식 메뉴 분리 by @GanziDaeyong in #18
- fix: 생협 크롤링 로직 변경 by @GoGiants1 in #19
- issue#14 해결 by @GanziDaeyong in #21
- Feat/22 readme update by @GanziDaeyong in #23
- debug: 301, 302, 감골식당 수정 by @tomatozoo in #24
- Feature/separate crawlers by @xxnpark in #26
- Fix: 자하연 교직원 식당 로직 수정 by @xxnpark in #30
- feat: add dev crawler by @GoGiants1 in #32
- Feat: ci cd setup by @GoGiants1 in #33
- Test/dev deploy by @GoGiants1 in #37
- Revert "Test/dev deploy" by @GoGiants1 in #38
- fix: make workflow dir by @GoGiants1 in #39
- hotfix: convert db port type to int by @GoGiants1 in #40
- hotfix: convert db port type to int (#40) by @GoGiants1 in #41
- Refactor: delete serverless resources by @GoGiants1 in #42
- feat: initialize poetry by @xxnpark in #44
- fix: pip root user action error by @xxnpark in #45
- fix: remove --mount by @xxnpark in #46
- fix: Dockerfile syntax by @xxnpark in #47
- feat: update README.md & restrict Python version to 3.10 by @xxnpark in #48
- feat: add black & pylint settings by @xxnpark in #49
- Fix: 자하연 메뉴 오류 by @GoGiants1 in #51
- Fix: Add db port env by @GoGiants1 in #53
- fix: 220동 메뉴이름 수정 by @GanziDaeyong in #56
- fix: 학생회관 채식 마크 대응 by @GanziDaeyong in #61
- docs: 머지 정책 업데이트 by @GanziDaeyong in #64
- fix: slack message beautify by @invalidid56 in #60
- Fix vet restaurant link by @GoGiants1 in #69
- refactor: 메서드 위치 및 변수명 변경 by @GanziDaeyong in #68
- fix: 사이드와 메뉴 제거 by @GanziDaeyong in #66
- fix index error by @GoGiants1 in #71
- 2024 2월 정식 버전 배포 by @GoGiants1 in #70
- fix: 라운지오 브레이크타임 by @GanziDaeyong in #75
- fix: 라운지오 브레이크타임 필터링(#75) by @GanziDaeyong in #76
- Docs: Add issue and pr templates by @GoGiants1 in #80
- feat: snuco 레스토랑 이름 고정 by @GanziDaeyong in #82
- build(deps): bump certifi from 2023.7.22 to 2024.7.4 by @dependabot in #83
- Prod ver.2024.07.28 by @GoGiants1 in #84
- �Fix: 220동 식당 Identifier 추가 & 슬랙 노티 버그 by @GoGiants1 in #86
- Prod ver.2024.07.29 by @GoGiants1 in #87
- fix: add not meals for 301 menus by @GanziDaeyong in #90
- fix: add not meals for 301 menus by @GanziDaeyong in #91
- fix: delete redundant menus from 301 by @tictactoeid in #92
- fix: delete redundant menus from 301 (dev to prod) by @tictactoeid in #93
- Prod ver.2024.09.23 by @GanziDaeyong in #94
- fix: temporarily comment out deletion logic by @GanziDaeyong in #95
- Prod ver.2024.09.24 by @GanziDaeyong in #96
- fix: uncomment deletion logic by @GanziDaeyong in #97
- Fix/dorm crawl by @GoGiants1 in #98
- Prod ver.2024.11.11 by @GoGiants1 in #99
Full Changelog: https://github.com/wafflestudio/siksha-crawler/commits/24.11.11