Creating an app to search for laptop configurations using gRPC and protobuf in Go
Steps completed till now:
Created protobuf files
Created auto generated go files for protobuf
Added Makefile commands
Sample generators with protobuf and Go
Serializing proto messages
Running end-to-end tests while serializing proto messages to both binary and json
Comparing temp bins for json and binary files to differentiate between the file sizes, the bin files are more space efficient
Created a proto service which uses unary-streaming gRPC and implemented a server to handle the unary RPC request
Added a client to call the unary RPC server and using unit tests for the interaction between server and client
Added server-streaming RPC to filter laptops while searching in store, then implementing server and client side RPC to handle calls and writing unit tests for them
Defined client-streaming RPC to upload laptop image to store
Added client calls and server handlers for client-streaming while implementing unit tests for both
Implemented Bi-Directional Streaming RPC to create the functionality of rating laptops and writing the unit tests
Added Evans CLI with gRPC reflection package for more intuitive gRPC actions
- download the file and go to its directory in the command line
- run the backend using command
make server
- open another instance of your command line and run
evans -r repl -p {PORT}
with the port of the backend as the argument - call
package vyom1611.laptop_app
, andservice LaptopService
- use the command
show service
to see the available actions and call the desired RPCs usingservice {RPC}
- follow along the prompts showed
- Note: if you want to stop adding details into a list (ex. multiple storages in CreateLaptop), then use
cmd/ctrl + D
to escape