Release notes
Tooltip & Label (#596 )
Introduce Tooltip component
Label component
Add tooltipComponent
, contentClassName
, wrapperProps
and contentStyle
Breaking changes :
LabelProps now extend HtmlSpanProps instead of HtmlDivProps
Props are passed to inner content wrapper instead of the top most element, except for className and wrapperProps.
Remove labelSpanProps
ClassName is passed to top most element instead of inner content wrapper
Notification (#617 )
Breaking change: Rehaul accessibility features
Remove ariaLiveMode
Add role="region"
for the main container
Add regionAriaLabel
CheckboxGroup (#624 )
Add groupStatus
and groupStatusText
LoadingSpinner (#607 )
Introduce LoadingSpinner component
Breaking changes :
Rename main class .fi-label-text
to .fi-label
Rename class .fi-label-text_optionalText
to .fi-label_optional-text
SingleSelect & MultiSelect (#626 )
Add possibility to allow user to add their own custom item as the selected item
This mode requires a new prop allowItemAddition
to be true
. A string prop itemAdditionHelpText
is then also required
Fix a bug with keyboard navigation
MultiSelect (#649 )
Add new props: ariaOptionsAvailableTextFunction
, ariaOptionChipRemovedTextFunction
and ariaSelectedAmountTextFunction
RouterLink (#634 )
Introduce polymorphic <RouterLink>
Renders as the component of your choice, for example React Router Link but with proper link styles
Full Typescript support for props based on the component passed to asComponent
Full theme customisation support through SuomifiThemeProvider
Button (#636 )
Breaking changes:
event is now React MouseEvent
instead of native MouseEvent
removed from onClick
event type alternative
Add application-profile
Add separate props for margin & padding to each side. The props accept suomifi-design-token spacing values.
mt (margin-top)
mr (margin-right)
mb (margin-bottom)
ml (margin-left)
mx (margin-left & margin-right)
my (margin-top & margin-bottom)
pt (padding-top)
pr (padding-right)
pb (padding-bottom)
pl (padding-left)
px (padding-left & padding-right)
py (padding-top & padding-bottom)
InlineAlert (#644 )
Breaking change : InlineAlert now uses .fi-inline-alert
instead of .fi-alert--inline
Fix InlineAlert styles bleeding out to children
Dropdown, CheckboxGroup, RadiobuttonGroup, FilterInput, SearchInput, MultiSelect, SingleSelect, TextInput, TextArea (#652 )
Breaking change: Change label content type from string
to ReactNode
Add the displayName
property to all components
Update third party dependencies
Update suomifi-design-tokens version to 4.0.0
You can’t perform that action at this time.