Combobox RFC version
2645 commits
to develop
since this release
This beta release contains the first public draft of the Combobox component. The component still has some issues with NVDA, but most of the functionalities are in place.
- Combobox RFC version added
- Breaking Changes:
- Changed:
- ToggleButton onClick parameter type is now boolean instead of { toggleState: boolean }
- Removed:
- variant support.
no longer work. Use ToggleButton and ToggleInput components instead. - toggleInputProps
- toggleInputComponent
- onClick from ToggleInput, use onChange instead
- variant support.
- Changed:
- Additional props are now passed for button and input elements.
- Added support for wrapperProps to support styling better.
- Added support for AutoId to support Server Side Rendering
Text Input
- Breaking changes
- inputContainerProps renamed to wrapperProps
- Error and success status border width now 2px
- Breaking changes:
- StaticIcon and ComponentIcon class name changes
- New icons and colour fixes for Icon and StaticIcon. StaticIcon now supports highlight colour.
- Fixes for Toggle and RadioButton icons
- Breaking Changes:
- Tokens prop is now removed from all components