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ls implmentation with extras
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mike-ward committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 27d1acd commit 8ced7c6
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,089 additions and 122 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/ls/auto_wrap.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import os

fn set_auto_wrap(options Options) {
if options.no_wrap {
wrap_off := '\e[?7l'
wrap_reset := '\e[?7h'

at_exit(fn [wrap_reset] () {
}) or {}

// Ctrl-C handler
os.signal_opt(, fn (sig os.Signal) {
}) or {}
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions src/ls/entry.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
import os
import crypto.md5
import crypto.sha1
import crypto.sha256
import crypto.sha512
import crypto.blake2b
import math

struct Entry {
name string
dir_name string
stat os.Stat
link_stat os.Stat
dir bool
file bool
link bool
exe bool
fifo bool
block bool
socket bool
character bool
unknown bool
link_origin string
size u64
size_ki string
size_kb string
checksum string
invalid bool // lstat could not access

fn get_entries(files []string, options Options) ([]Entry, int) {
mut entries := []Entry{cap: 50}
mut status := 0

for file in files {
if os.is_dir(file) {
dir_files := or {
status = 1 // see help for meaning of exit codes
entries << match options.all {
true {, file, options)) }
else { dir_files.filter(!is_dot_file(it)).map(make_entry(it, file, options)) }
} else {
if options.all || !is_dot_file(file) {
entries << make_entry(file, '', options)
return entries, status

fn make_entry(file string, dir_name string, options Options) Entry {
mut invalid := false
path := if dir_name == '' { file } else { os.join_path(dir_name, file) }

stat := os.lstat(path) or {
// println('${path} -> ${err.msg()}')
invalid = true

filetype := stat.get_filetype()
is_link := filetype == .symbolic_link
link_origin := if is_link { read_link(path) } else { '' }
mut size := stat.size
mut link_stat := os.Stat{}

if is_link && options.long_format && !invalid {
// os.stat follows link
link_stat = os.stat(path) or { os.Stat{} }
size = link_stat.size

is_dir := filetype == .directory
is_fifo := filetype == .fifo
is_block := filetype == .block_device
is_socket := filetype == .socket
is_character_device := filetype == .character_device
is_unknown := filetype == .unknown
is_exe := !is_dir && is_executable(stat)
is_file := filetype == .regular
indicator := if is_dir && options.dir_indicator { '/' } else { '' }

return Entry{
// vfmt off
name: file + indicator
dir_name: dir_name
stat: stat
link_stat: link_stat
dir: is_dir
file: is_file
link: is_link
exe: is_exe
fifo: is_fifo
block: is_block
socket: is_socket
character: is_character_device
unknown: is_unknown
link_origin: link_origin
size: size
size_ki: if options.size_ki { readable_size(size, true) } else { '' }
size_kb: if options.size_kb { readable_size(size, false) } else { '' }
checksum: if is_file { checksum(file, dir_name, options) } else { '' }
invalid: invalid
// vfmt on

fn readable_size(size u64, si bool) string {
kb := if si { f64(1024) } else { f64(1000) }
mut sz := f64(size)
for unit in ['', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e', 'z'] {
if sz < kb {
readable := match unit == '' {
true { size.str() }
else { math.round_sig(sz + .049999, 1).str() }
bytes := match true {
// vfmt off
unit == '' { '' }
si { 'b' }
else { '' }
// vfmt on
return '${readable}${unit}${bytes}'
sz /= kb
return size.str()

fn checksum(name string, dir_name string, options Options) string {
if options.checksum == '' {
return ''
file := os.join_path(dir_name, name)
bytes := os.read_bytes(file) or { return unknown }

return match options.checksum {
// vfmt off
'md5' { md5.sum(bytes).hex() }
'sha1' { sha1.sum(bytes).hex() }
'sha224' { sha256.sum224(bytes).hex() }
'sha256' { sha256.sum256(bytes).hex() }
'sha512' { sha512.sum512(bytes).hex() }
'blake2b' { blake2b.sum256(bytes).hex() }
else { unknown }
// vfmt on

fn is_executable(stat os.Stat) bool {
return stat.get_mode().bitmask() & 0b001001001 > 0

fn is_dot_file(file string) bool {
return file.starts_with('.')
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/ls/entry_test.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module main

fn test_readable_size() {
assert readable_size(395, true) == '395'
assert readable_size(395, false) == '395'

assert readable_size(200_000, true) == '195.4kb'
assert readable_size(200_000, false) == '200.0k'

assert readable_size(100_000_000, true) == '95.4mb'
assert readable_size(100_000_000, false) == '100.0m'

assert readable_size(100_000_000_000, true) == '93.2gb'
assert readable_size(100_000_000_000, false) == '100.0g'

assert readable_size(100_000_000_000_000, true) == '91.0tb'
assert readable_size(100_000_000_000_000, false) == '100.0t'

assert readable_size(100_000_000_000_000_000, true) == '88.9pb'
assert readable_size(100_000_000_000_000_000, false) == '100.0p'

assert readable_size(8_000_000_000_000_000_000, true) == '7.0eb'
assert readable_size(8_000_000_000_000_000_000, false) == '8.0e'
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/ls/filter.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
fn filter(entries []Entry, options Options) []Entry {
return match true {
// vfmt off
options.only_dirs { entries.clone().filter(it.dir) }
options.only_files { entries.clone().filter(it.file) }
else { entries }
// vfmt on

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