- Supports tracking with 3 major shipping companies (UPS, USPS, Lasership).
- All you have to do is to provide a tracking number of your package; the rest is handled!
- Whenever package is delivered, you will get notified right away either by email (that you provided) or push-notificaton.
Note: server-side and client-side are both contained within this repo. There is a separate repo found HERE for client-side only with unmanaged flow (expo-free React Native project) that can actually build into a mobile app (not just QR code preview).
Motivation: whenever I buy something valuable off of Amazon, I would impatiantly check if the package is delivered or not. Amazon itself does not update the delivery status righ away sometimes it takes hours before the status is updated and you get notified. In the meantime, my nieighbors from upstairs, downstairs, to the left, to the right may get a hold of my package because couriers don't usually directly hand me my packages or put them exactly at my door, rather, they could be found all over the place. Often I will have to run around and ask my neighbors if they have my package... This is why this app handles my dilema. I get notified righ away and can start looking for my packages (if I have to) before it is too late...