- Remote (NJ, USA)
npn2-debian Public
Forked from riptidewave93/npn2-debianBuild script to build Debian 10 for the FriendlyELEC NanoPi H5 based boards
Shell UpdatedNov 30, 2021 -
salt Public
Forked from saltstack/saltSoftware to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale. Get access to the Salt software package repository here:
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 4, 2020 -
shpotify Public
Forked from hnarayanan/shpotifyA command-line interface to Spotify.
Shell UpdatedOct 3, 2018 -
uphold Public
Forked from forward3d/upholdA tool for programmatically verifying database backups. Forking for PlanGrid (nothing company specific but extra stuff that would be useful for PlanGrid stuff).
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2017 -
A Kubernetes Cluster Miner, which runs containers of miners for a specific currency. Done to learn Kubernetes in a more hands-on fashion.
Arduino-BT-Amp-Control Public
Arduino and Android App to control an aftermarket car subwoofer amplifier remotely.
Arduino-IoT-Cube-Animations Public
Extension to Arduino LED Cube Animations, controlled by internet with C# ASP.NET Web API and Processing.org Serial Communication
C# UpdatedSep 18, 2016 -
Arduino-LED-Cube-Animations Public
Arduino Controlled 4x4x4 LED Cube Animations
Arduino UpdatedSep 18, 2016 -
ParticleFireExplosion Public
Cool Particle Animation made in C++ and using the SDL Graphics Library
Arduino-Garage-Door-Opener Public
Controls a Garage Door, opens and closes via Website and monitors door's open/closed status.
C# UpdatedSep 18, 2016 -
Mario2DPlatformer Public
Super Mario 2D Platformer Made in Java with Linear Map Scrolling, Animations and Various Maps/Levels on a GUI Interface.
Java UpdatedJul 5, 2015