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JS-SDKGen is a Javascript SDK Code generator for your API. It uses apidoc definitions from swagger or apidocjs and generates the Javascript SDK automatically. Along with SDK, it also generates SDK usage documentation, thus saving hours of work for you in writing SDK & usage documentation


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JS-SDKGen is a JavaScript SDK Code generator for your API. It uses apidoc definitions from swagger or apidocjs and generates the Javascript SDK automatically. Along with SDK, it also generates SDK usage documentation, thus saving hours of work for you in writing SDK & usage documentation. More importantly, it eliminates the manual errors. If you don't have any API doc generator already set up in your project, you can use your own json file.





npm install -g @vitwit/js-sdkgen


js-sdkgen --json-file swagger.json --name SampleSDK --version 1.0.0 --base-url --required-headers accountId --optional-headers accessToken --output src

Running above command will generate a folder with name sdk and will have a js file containing sdk code, containing docs for using generated sdk.It also generates a file which contains the command you gave above, so that you don't have to type this again and again and you can simply run this file. You can even go ahead and edit this generated sh file and add a pre command like this curl '' -O swagger.json && and save it forever. This is very helpful in active developement, now when any api is added or updated, just run the file sh src/sdk/ it will fetch updated api-docs update file in local and run the rest of command.

Below are the list of parameters available for node cli config while generating SDK.

param alias usage optional or required
--json-file -f path of json required (if not provided will look for 'api-docs.json' file in current directory)
--js-file -j path of a js file which named exports two function transformJson and transformOperations not required if json is already in below mentioned format or no operation's response data need to be transformed
--base-url -b base url of your application (API endpoint), will be passed axios instance required
--name -n it will be name of generated sdk class optional
--version -v version of sdk optional
--requiredHeaders -r requirdHeaders params will berequired to pass when initiate the sdk class on frontend
--optionalHeaders -o Any other parameters passed will be added to configs.headers which will be passed to axios instance. All the headers will be used as default headers for every request.
--output path of directory you want to store generated sdk folder in. for example to store in src of current directory pass --output src,for current dir's sibling folder's src --output ../siblingDir/src, don't pass any trailing slash,wrap in quotes if path contains escape character
const mySDK = new MySDK({
  MandatoryHeader1: "Header1Value",
  MandatoryHeader2: "Header2Value"

Mandatory Headers & Optional Headers

This is a tricky part of the SDK generation. As we are automating the SDK generation, we need to understand, what are all the headers we need for our APIs. For example, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are the required configuration credentials to use AWS SDKs. In the same way, if your SDK needs any credentials that need to be sent for every API request, you need to mention them as mandatory headers in headers configuration.

Optional Headers, as the name suggests, they are optional or required only for certain APIs. SDK will send those headers only after they are set. For example, if API requires, Authorization token for some APIs and not for all other APIs, it can be set as an optional header. There are two functions to set & clear these Optional Headers. Optional headers are useful when we need to deal with login/logout kind of scenarios. Few methods from SDK's can be used optionally and when a user logged into the system, SDK should send authorization tokens from then. For this kind of cases, you can make use of OptionalHeaders and set & clear functions.

//to set the headers
mySDK.setHeader("OptionalHeader1", "OptionalHeaderValue");

//to clear the headers

//to check if the header is present or not

Example cli parameters to set a, b, c as required headers, you just need to keep true after the header name. If the variable is set to false or left blank, it will be considered as Optional Header by the program.

js-sdkgen --json-file api-docs.json --name=MySDK --version=1.0.0 --base-url=  --required-headers a,b,c --optional-headers d,e,f

These configs can overridden or more configs can be passed from frontend before intiating the class as below.

//To set header parameters, ex: Authorization with Bearer token
mySDK.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer <yourtokenhere>");

//override existing config, i.e., baseUrl

// you can also get any header value set by you calling getHeader

// or you can just intercept requests and responses
mySDK.interceptRequest((configs, error) => {
  if (error) {
  configs.baseURL = "http://localhost:3001";

  return configs;

// similarly for response
mySDK.interceptResponse((res, error) => {
  if (error) {
    if (error.response && error.response.status === 401) {
      // redirects somewhere
      // or retreive refresh token

    return Promise.reject(error);

  return res;

The json file mentioned above should have following data structure.(make sure you write operationId in your node backend inline comments for swagger generated API docs)

    "operationName": "createUser",
    "requestMethod": "POST",
    "url": "/users/create",
    "isFormData": "true"
    "operationName": "updateUser",
    "requestMethod": "PUT",
    "url": "/users/{userId}",
    "isFormData": "true"

If not, you should provide a JavaScript file which will be called with provided json file, it should return that file in above format. This JavaScript file can name export these two function.

function name use
transformJson as mention above it will be called with given json file
will be passed the data coming from backend,
transformOperatons it should be a object with operationName as methods whichshould returned the desired format(might be helpful when backend might change format but frontend still consuming old format)

Using Generated SDK

any where in your application you can call sdk methods like this, provide it body data obj while calling, you can pass formdata same as this and it will internally will do (new FormData).append(key,value) wherever needed.

async function handleSignIn(name, password) {
  const { data, error } = await mySDK.signIn({

To pass path params and query params you have _params and _pathParams that you can pass in same object. They are automatically extracted from other body params. _pathParams keys are placeholders in api path i.e for path orgs/{orgId}/users/{userId} orgId and userId are _pathParams.

note: In your json file of api docs path should follow this same structure for placeholder all others like /orgs/:orgId or orgs/ORGID/ will result in silent errors.
async function getUser() {
  const { data, error } = await mySDK.signIn({
    _params: {
      //any query paramater
    _pathParams: {
      userId: "5ef23df923a3453edfa9ed35fe" // this key should be same as in path i.e '/users/{userId}'
note: It will handle error for you, so you will not get errors in catch block but in response only.

What's so cool about this?

You don't have to deal with calling API's, managing API constants, handling errors, headers, params, path params etc. On top of that if backend change data structure of response, they can provide a object transformOperations with key as operationName functions which will take current data structure and provide the previous version for one who opt to use old version.


  • Standardize SDK Usage Guide generation
  • Testscripts


JS-SDKGen is a Javascript SDK Code generator for your API. It uses apidoc definitions from swagger or apidocjs and generates the Javascript SDK automatically. Along with SDK, it also generates SDK usage documentation, thus saving hours of work for you in writing SDK & usage documentation




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