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Toolbox methods
Github toolbox methods support reproducible computation using github repositories.
In general, we suppose that:
- There are one or more Matlab toolboxes for the project, available from a github repository.
- You have your own project-specific Matlab functions that use these toolboxes
- Your functions access Flywheel data using scitran methods
scitran toolbox methods help with the following tasks
- toolboxGet - read a specification of the toolboxes used in the project
- toolboxValidate - test whether the toolboxes are installed on your path
- toolboxInstall - download a zip record of the toolboxes
- toolboxClone - git clone the toolboxes to your computer
- runFunction - run (locally) a Matlab function stored on the Flywheel site
During installation or cloning, the toolboxes are added to the user's path.
Toolbox files specify the github repository and a command for testing for the presence of the repository. The specification is stored on Flywheel, often on the project page. The specification is a JSON file. This code snippet reads a file stored on the Flywheel site
st = scitran('vistalab');
tbx = st.toolboxGet('aldit-toolboxes.json','project','ALDIT');
tbx is a toolboxes object that contains information about the github repositories where the toolboxes can be found.
Validate whether a toolbox is on your path this way
>> st.toolboxValidate(tbx);
Repo dti-error (dtiError) found.
Repo vistasoft (vistaRootPath) found.
If the toolboxes are not on your path, install them using install or clone methods. The install version download a zip file from the github site.
tbx = st.toolboxInstall(tbx);
The clone method calls 'git clone' on the github site.
tbx = st.toolboxClone(tbx);
Both of these methods can be used with flags that specify a commit or branch or clone depth.
Toolbox 1
Toolbox project name dti-error
User account: scitran-apps
Commit: master
Repository url: https://github.com/scitran-apps/dti-error
dtiError is on your current path in directory /Users/wandell/Documents/MATLAB/dti-error/src.
Toolbox 2
Toolbox project name vistasoft
User account: vistalab
Commit: master
Repository url: https://github.com/vistalab/vistasoft
vistaRootPath is on your current path in directory /Users/wandell/Documents/MATLAB/vistasoft.
Information about the toolboxes is stored in a small JSON file that is attached to a Flywheel project page.
For example, the Wandell lab uses the vistasoft toolbox. The toolbox specifies (a) a command that can be used to test whether the toolbox is installed on the user's path (testcmd), and (b) the user and project on the github site. This information is saved in a JSON file as follows.
tbx.testcmd = 'vistaRootPath';
tbx.gitrepo.user = 'vistalab'; % https://github.com/vistalab/vistasoft
tbx.gitrepo.project = 'vistasoft'; % https://github.com/vistalab/vistasoft
tbx.saveinfo; % Save the toolbox information to vistasoft.json
Optionally, the JSON file can specify a specific commit or branch on github. The gitrepo structure contains this information
>> disp(tbx.gitrepo)
user: 'scitran-apps'
project: 'dti-error'
commit: 'master'
By default, the latest commit from the master branch is assumed.
A project may depend on multiple toolboxes. For example, Dora Hermes wrote an ECoG toolbox which is specified in ecogBasic.json. To analyze data in her ECoG project we merge the two toolboxes into a single file
clear tbx
tbx(1) = stToolbox('ecogBasicCode.json');
tbx(2) = stToolbox('vistasoft.json');
The JSON file defining the toolboxes is stored on the project page with a scitran command
project = st.search('projects','project label exact','SOC ECoG (Hermes)');
The data directory in scitran includes several toolboxes files and a script, s_tbxSave.