This script execute similar behavior as premium feature "Flattening Surfaces" of solidworks:
The input is a file path as a surface into a .STL file.
The result quality depends on the meshing quality!
The output is a .SVG file of the flattened surface.
A graph display area deformation foreach vertices.
This project has following steps: - Load STL file as a mesh with trimesh: - Compute all bounds with a faces analysis, based on the function boundary_loop from igl librairy: - Select a vertice and rotate it on a XY plan as initialisation vertice using chatGPT 4.O - Mesh unfolding using the function lscm from igl librairy: - Deformation compting on area using chatGPT 4.O - Display the result with 3D surface, flattened surface, bounds and deformations heatmap with matplotlib tripcolor function: - Export result as SVG file using svgwrite librairy:
To use the project, call the function flatten_surface.main.main with the argument of your STL file containing a surface